Friday, May 29, 2015

2015 catch up

Monday, May 25, 2015

At 11:00am, Mark (MAT) called me and asked me to take him to wrestling practice. I did, even though I was tired from staying up the night before. I picked him up and we drove to Abbeville. We got lost, so we asked for directions, then got some food and drinks. We finally made it to the gym, which was in a closed down elementary school. We hung out and waited for the other guys to get there, but then I accidentally locked my keys in my car. Everybody got there and started wrestling practice. All the slamming of bodies on the ring floor was too loud for me, so I sat outside under a tree at a picnic table. Some black kids were on a merry-go-round and asked me to spin them around a few times and I did. I called  my mom, Mark's mom, and Heath for a number to Pop-A-Lock. I eventually got the number from mom and called. While they were on their way, Sandra (Mark's mom) called and was a bit upset when she found out what Mark was doing. I didn't see the big deal, as we weren't doing anything dangerous or illegal, but I guess Mark should have told his mom first. Mark said he would get his friend to bring him next time even if I have no problem bringing him.

Anyway, Pop-A-Lock came and got my car open quickly, and I paid $50. I didn't want to have to spend that, but I had to get in my car. I felt dumb, but it was an honest mistake. I want to make sure I have a backup key for next time, and learn the entry code too, since I didn't know it at the time.

Mark finished and we left, going to Toys 'R' Us to get that piano bench I wanted. I looked at the Legos while Mark found the bench. I noticed LEGO brought back Pirates for the second time, this time with blue coats instead of red. I thought that was cool. Mark needed to go and told me to finish up. I ran into John, Sarah, and Bronson Parker (Jamie's parents and little brother) on the way to the checkout. They were all very happy to see me and I was happy to see them too. We caught up for a few minutes before checking out. I took the offer of a 2 year warranty on the bench for only $6.

Mark and I grabbed Checkers and went to my apartment. Dianis wanted to talk, but I guess she got busy because she did not answer when I was finally able to respond to her text.

Mark checked his email while I picked up around the place and cleared some papers off of the kitchen table. Then Mark watched TV while I tried to fix his iPhone 4. The wifi would not work. I never got it to work, but after several tries, I updated his iPhone to the latest version of iOS (8.3). I had to backup, then restore his iPhone, but I followed all the troubleshooting instructions. When it was done, I took Mark home, then returned home myself, and stayed up at the computer until I was ready for bed.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Heath called me at like 2:45pm wanting to hang out and eat at Quizno's. His mom was supposed to take him, but got busy. We went to Quizno's, Play N Trade, and Sword N Board all right next to each other in the strip mall at the intersection of Johnston St. and South College Rd. We ate at Quizno's because we were hungry and I had coupons. I saw Andrew Lee, a friend from high school and college in the parking lot. I talked to him while walking to Quinzo's. We ate, then went to Play N Trade, a local used video game store. I looked around and saw old arcade machine like Mortal Kombat, X-Men, and Darkstalkers. I saw Cain (another friend from high school) and caught up with him for a couple minutes. We then left and we checked out Sword N Board for the first time. Sword N Board is a store for Collector Card Games (CCG) and tabletop/board games.

There used to be a similar store called Anime and Games, right next to Jason's Deli, but it closed in 2012. They told me the owner sold it and did some shady stuff. When I moved back to Lafayette last year after getting in Magic: The Gathering (MTG) card game with Maik, Sam, Michelle, and Lou, I was disappointed to find out that Anime and Games had closed down. Thankfully, they still had a place to play MTG and that place is And Comics Too. They hold Friday Night Magic at 7:00pm until about 12 or 1am. It takes $7 to enter, but you are guaranteed a booster "pity pack" as they are called whether you make it to the finals or not. I tried going a few times, even taking the bus to get there, but those guys were way out of my league. I got discouraged and didn't go again.

Late last year in December 2014 or so, I found out through facebook that there was a new store opening in Lafayette next to Play N Trade called Sword N Board. They are both similarly titled, located right next to each other, and a nerd's paradise.

Anyway, so we checked it out. I talked to one of the owner's brothers Shannon (a guy). He didn't look like a typical gamer nerd: He was handsome, muscular, and wore a blue collared shirt. He works as a machinist and he knows Eric Cerna (Josh's little brother) who is also a machinist. Shannon was very nice as he answered every question I could think of and ask. Of most importance is that they do have Friday Night Magic at 7pm for $5, but no pity pack. They also give basic lands away for free as opposed to $0.10 each at +1 Gaming in Metairie. So, I checked out the back room where the tables and chairs are, and there was a flat screen TV in the wall playing Futurama. I saw Andrew Lee again and talked to him more before leaving.

I had to go to a pharmacy, so I went to CVS on Johnston. I tried to get my meds refilled, but I needed a prescription and the doctor's office was already close. I had to call Tyler Mental Health center the next day.

Next, Hand and I stopped by his apartment to get his gas money for me ($10 in quarters) and his Crohn's disease medicine, and we went to my apartment. We took everything down, and not log after, Eddie Garcia showed up. He is a guitarist who was a roommate of one of my co-worker friends at Lowe's back in 2006 (9 years ago). I had his number and called him when Heath asked me if I knew any musicians that could play in our band. We planned to jam with him since a week before and this was finally the day we would first jam with him. He was well dressed and well mannered, and we began to set up to play.

We covered "And When He Falleth" and "Venus" by Theatre of Tragedy, and that was awesome. We also built on some original songs Heath and I wrote before, with Eddie adding guitar to it. I gave him a paper with the chords on it. It was so awesome, and there were moments when Heath and I both felt like "Yeah, this is it!". Eddie was quite proficient with chord progressions and solos, and he had an awesome guitar and really good amp. I lent him my tuner, and it's that I had one, because he needed it.

8:30pm came along and Eddie had to go. He works at Lafayette General Medical Center during the weekdays, so he can't stay up late. Heath and I talked about his playing and decided he was a good fit for the band. We talked to him also, and hope to jam more in the future, maybe even get Mark from the aspie group to play bass with us. But Heath has to get his wisdom teeth removed the next day (May 27), so he will be out for at least two weeks.

Heath and I continued to hang out after Eddie left, and edited and uploaded some videos to my YouTube. I took him home after.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

I got alot accomplished today. I swept all my floors and vacuumed all rugs and carpets. I turn around the electronic drums to a better position in the room. I also cleaned the ceiling fans. I was exhausted after all that, so after talking with Dianis, I went to sleep.

Thursday, May 28, 2015

I woke up today, took my meds, ate breakfast, buzzed my beard, and then showered, shaved, and cleaned my teeth. Afterwards, I dried off and got dressed, then started washing my clothes. While they were washing, I took out the trash and went through my mail and sale papers. I talked to Dianis and then later grabbed some lunch at Hardee's, with coupons of course. I ate, came home, and folded my clothes and towels, and made my bed.

I feel very accomplished today, as I got alot done. I called my mom and also played on the piano after, practicing the ToT songs. I also made a craigslist ad looking for a singer.Finally, I got around to blogging, s here it is! :) I will talk to Dianis again and then go to bed after. Until next time....

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

First blog post of the new year! I haven't posted on this blog in a long while.

To recap, I moved back to Lafayette and live in Evangeline Village Apartments. I got all new furniture for a good price of $1800. It feels good to be back home, although it's like starting over. So far, I have been spending time with my parents, my sister and her kids, Summer and her kids, Josh Cerna, Josh Dixon, and Sam Cherry.

Of course, I have also been chatting with Dianis all this time via Skype, and I even visited her in San Antonio from January 30-February 3, 2014. It was a great trip except for the weather, me getting sick again, and the bus delays and waiting in the terminal for 12 hours overnight. Other than that, it was fine. I was glad to see my lovely girlfriend. :) I can't wait to see he again on April 12.

I got set up with the psychiatrist in Lafayette, but my first appointment isn't until April 9. Until then, I have to go to New Orleans one or two more times to get seen by a doctor and get meds. I have appointments on March 10 and March 18. I also am going to Florida on March 15. It conflicts with my med pick up day, but maybe I can pick it up after the trip.

Currently, I am in New Orleans staying at Sam's apartment. Yesterday, we had Thai for lunch with Maik and Michelle. I lounged around in Sam's apartment listening to music, namely 311 and Muse. I love Muse, especially their new album "The 2nd Law". My favorite song is "Panic Station" because it's so funky! I thank Dianis and Sam Cherry for getting me into this very talented band.

Lou came over after 5pm, then Sam Falchook not too far behind. We played Magic, listened to music, watched YouTube, and hung out while Sam cooked stir fry chicken and vegetables. It wasn't bad for his second time cooking it ever! :P

Anyway, I didn't do much today except eat breakfast, lounge around while listening to music and chatting with Dianis. We are playing Magic at Maik's tonight (another reason why I came) and Sam just texted me that he is on his way home, so I have to go get ready and showered. Until next time...

P.S. I leave tomorrow via Greyhound to go back to Lafayette at 8:50am tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Today was mostly uneventful as I slept all day. Later though, I went to Taco Bell, then Citi Trends with Bradford and Colby today. That was a great little adventure and time with my friends over here at Exodus House. I found a webcam on sale for $5! :O It was a great deal. I will chat with Dianis tonight at 9pm and use the webcam. We had spaghetti, corn, bread roll, and salad for supper tonight.We all hung out and watched The Originals on TV. Interesting series. It was very cold and windy tonight as we went to take our meds.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Last day on the job at 1025 Jena Street. We moved all the stuff and tools out of the house. Billy primed and painted the floors after that. I emailed my hours to Amadeo. He will finish up the smaller details on Monday.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today, I worked from 9:00am-2:00pm. Then Amadeo got me lunch at Taco Bell, took me home, and went to a meeting. We worked on fixtures today, such as the sink and the base for the toilet, as well as finishing the pipeline underneath the bathtub underneath the house. Amadeo fixed a leak in the tub drain.

I got home early, so I washed clothes today. Later, I will fold clothes, eat supper, chat with Dyanis, shower, then go to bed because I work early tomorrow morning.

Amadeo took a picture of me in front of an old timey truck someone was driving and parked across the street.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I worked from 9:00 to 4:00 today, with and hour for lunch. We did baseboards, molding, and quarter round. It took all day. Dawn brought us Subway for lunch and it was delicious! :P

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Amadeo and I started and finished the grout today. We are both proud. It was not as hard as we thought. I worked from 10:00am to 6:00pm, with an hour for lunch and to pick up my meds. Amadeo got me McGriddles for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch, and at home I had red beans and rice for dinner. Yum!

Me sawing some quarter round in Home Depot.

Bearded Brothers! :P