Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On Saturday, I went with Maik, Michelle, and Sam to the Global Wildlife Center. We rode a wagon and feed deer, llamas, antelopes, alpacas, and rhea birds. It was fun.

On Sunday, I hung out with Sam. We did the usual: Subway, Magic, Tennis, Quiznos, then home. Lou stopped by for a while. It was good to see him again as I hadn't seen him in a couple months.

On Monday, I went to therapy, and it went great. The rest of the day, I rode the street car, went to City Park, talked to mom on the phone for an hour and a half, hung out with Amadeo at his apartment, went to Dollar General, and then rode the bus home.

Today, I worked from 11:00 to 5:30, with an hour for lunch at Taco Bell. It was good. We cut and laid tile in the bathroom. That took all day. We also scraped out the mortar from the grout. I got more minutes on my phone today, too.

I got home and ate macaroni, croissant, steamed vegetables, and hot dogs. I gave my chicken away because I didn't want it. I am chatting with Dyanis right now. I will shower and go to bed after. I meet with Lavondra tomorrow and then work after.

I operated the saw to cut some pieces of tile.

Amadeo laid out the tile pieces first, before putting them in permanently.

Amadeo took a picture of me taking a piss in the back yard, haha!

This is how far we got today. Amadeo put the mortar down and a few tiles. They should be dry by tomorrow.

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