Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Last night, I got a visitor's pass so I could go to Maik's to play Magic. Sam brought Chinese food and it was good. We all opened 8 booster packs from the new Theros expansion and played a sealed deck tournament. I lost against Maik, but won against Sam. I used a mono green deck.

Today, I worked from 10:30 to 5:30, with a 2 hour break, for a total of 5 hours. Amadeo and I finished the tile in the bathroom and kitchen. Amadeo was proud, because we finally finished, and because it was the one task he was afraid of not doing right due to his inexperience with it.

Amadeo took us to McDonald's for lunch, and then took me to LSU Behavioral Health to get my psychological assessment results. As it turns out, I have Asperger's syndrome, depression, and have the official diagnosis to prove it now. I am so happy because this will help me alot in the future with therapy and getting disability income. I am just glad I have the diagnosis because I understand myself better now and how to better cope with my problems and struggles.

While I was at LSU, Amadeo went to Home Depot, and came to pick me up after. We returned to the house, and we finished laying the tile. Hooray!

I chatted with Dyanis tonight and stayed focused on it, so it went well. She was happy for the second day on a row. I am about to go to bed.

We finished the tile, yay! :)

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