Saturday, October 26, 2013

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Last day on the job at 1025 Jena Street. We moved all the stuff and tools out of the house. Billy primed and painted the floors after that. I emailed my hours to Amadeo. He will finish up the smaller details on Monday.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today, I worked from 9:00am-2:00pm. Then Amadeo got me lunch at Taco Bell, took me home, and went to a meeting. We worked on fixtures today, such as the sink and the base for the toilet, as well as finishing the pipeline underneath the bathtub underneath the house. Amadeo fixed a leak in the tub drain.

I got home early, so I washed clothes today. Later, I will fold clothes, eat supper, chat with Dyanis, shower, then go to bed because I work early tomorrow morning.

Amadeo took a picture of me in front of an old timey truck someone was driving and parked across the street.

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday, October 12, 2013

I worked from 9:00 to 4:00 today, with and hour for lunch. We did baseboards, molding, and quarter round. It took all day. Dawn brought us Subway for lunch and it was delicious! :P

Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

Amadeo and I started and finished the grout today. We are both proud. It was not as hard as we thought. I worked from 10:00am to 6:00pm, with an hour for lunch and to pick up my meds. Amadeo got me McGriddles for breakfast, Taco Bell for lunch, and at home I had red beans and rice for dinner. Yum!

Me sawing some quarter round in Home Depot.

Bearded Brothers! :P

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Thursday, October 10, 2013

I worked from 10:30 to 5:30 today, with an hour lunch. I finally showered and brushed my teeth after a week. I didn't really feel like working, but Amadeo really needed me.

We worked on a column in front of a house on Royal Street. Amadeo also fixed a sink faucet in a property in the French Quarter. It took a while to finish that column, but we finally did it. He felt frustrated, overwhelmed, and helpless during the process, but felt relieved after he finished.

Amadeo got me this toy parakeet on Tuesday (two days before this post). Coincidentally, mom sent me a video from YouTube to Facebook about this very thing. :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Today, I worked from 10:30am to 3:30pm, with a lunch break from 12:45 to 2:30.  We mainly scraped the grout. We didn't get to do much else today, because Billy was spackling in the bathroom and Leslie was painting in the kitchen. Both tasks needed to be done, and Amadeo and I both felt it was best not to interrupt their work.

Amadeo picked up Dawn, and we went driving around town. He got us sandwiches from Domino's for lunch. When we got back, we packed up Amadeo's tools in his truck for the coming tropical storm, and he took me home.

For supper, I had ground beef and macaroni, with bread and an oatmeal raisin cookie. I got seconds because it was so good. I chatted with Dyanis, and I am about to go to bed. In other news, I got a new roommate today. He seems alright. I might work with Amadeo tomorrow and I might not. I will have to wait and see. Until next time...

An ice cream truck passed by and Amadeo got us some ice cream bars.

While driving around the Central Business District, Amadeo stopped to take a picture of me in front of this clarinet mural on the side of a building.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Last night, I got a visitor's pass so I could go to Maik's to play Magic. Sam brought Chinese food and it was good. We all opened 8 booster packs from the new Theros expansion and played a sealed deck tournament. I lost against Maik, but won against Sam. I used a mono green deck.

Today, I worked from 10:30 to 5:30, with a 2 hour break, for a total of 5 hours. Amadeo and I finished the tile in the bathroom and kitchen. Amadeo was proud, because we finally finished, and because it was the one task he was afraid of not doing right due to his inexperience with it.

Amadeo took us to McDonald's for lunch, and then took me to LSU Behavioral Health to get my psychological assessment results. As it turns out, I have Asperger's syndrome, depression, and have the official diagnosis to prove it now. I am so happy because this will help me alot in the future with therapy and getting disability income. I am just glad I have the diagnosis because I understand myself better now and how to better cope with my problems and struggles.

While I was at LSU, Amadeo went to Home Depot, and came to pick me up after. We returned to the house, and we finished laying the tile. Hooray!

I chatted with Dyanis tonight and stayed focused on it, so it went well. She was happy for the second day on a row. I am about to go to bed.

We finished the tile, yay! :)

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

On Saturday, I went with Maik, Michelle, and Sam to the Global Wildlife Center. We rode a wagon and feed deer, llamas, antelopes, alpacas, and rhea birds. It was fun.

On Sunday, I hung out with Sam. We did the usual: Subway, Magic, Tennis, Quiznos, then home. Lou stopped by for a while. It was good to see him again as I hadn't seen him in a couple months.

On Monday, I went to therapy, and it went great. The rest of the day, I rode the street car, went to City Park, talked to mom on the phone for an hour and a half, hung out with Amadeo at his apartment, went to Dollar General, and then rode the bus home.

Today, I worked from 11:00 to 5:30, with an hour for lunch at Taco Bell. It was good. We cut and laid tile in the bathroom. That took all day. We also scraped out the mortar from the grout. I got more minutes on my phone today, too.

I got home and ate macaroni, croissant, steamed vegetables, and hot dogs. I gave my chicken away because I didn't want it. I am chatting with Dyanis right now. I will shower and go to bed after. I meet with Lavondra tomorrow and then work after.

I operated the saw to cut some pieces of tile.

Amadeo laid out the tile pieces first, before putting them in permanently.

Amadeo took a picture of me taking a piss in the back yard, haha!

This is how far we got today. Amadeo put the mortar down and a few tiles. They should be dry by tomorrow.