Friday, September 27, 2013

Friday, September 27, 2013

I worked from 10:00am to 4:30pm today, with a lunch break from 12:45 to 2:30, a total of 4.75 hours. We finished the sheet rock in the bathroom today. It was a bitch.

Today is the birthday of my father, David F. Guerra, and my social worker, Lavondra Green. Also, Lil' Wayne, lol! So anyway, tomorrow, I will go with Maik, Michelle, and Sam on the Global Wildlife Reserve trip. Tonight, I will chat with Dyanis, shower, and go to bed.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Today, I worked from 11:00 to 5:30, with a half hour lunch break, for a total of 6 hours. We mainly put up sheet rock in the bathroom and went to Home Depot a couple of times.

For dinner I had beans, rice, sausage, and bread. I will chat with Dyanis, take a shower, then go to bed. Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Yesterday, I worked from 11:00am-5:30pm with an hour lunch, so I worked a total of 5.5 hours. Amadeo and Dawn had already laid the tile in the kitchen on Sunday. Amadeo replaced the vent pipe in the bathroom, hooked up the light switch in the bathroom, and began on the sheet rock.

Today, I met with Lavondra at 10:45am to give her the letter from mom. She said she would get the Salvation Army letter, the Exodus House letter, and that needs the letter from Amadeo by Friday or Monday. I didn't work today because I was very tired and slept all day. I got a call from Amadeo, but I was too depressed to return his call :( Later, though, I managed to get up and do my laundry. I need to take a shower tonight, since I haven't taken a shower in a few days.

Michelle invited me to a wildlife tour on Saturday. I think I will go.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Yesterday, Sam picked me up at 11:00am and we went to Subway. I cleaned his apartment, made $30, and then we played tennis for 2 hours. After that, we worked on Magic decks and Dyanis called me. We went to Quizno's before he took me home at 6:00.

Today, I went to therapy. It went great, and we talked more about family issues. It's amazing how things that happened when you were little still affect you to the present day. It's like mom said "ripples in a pond".

Since the day was young and I had a day pass, I spent the day riding all the street cars in New Orleans. It was quite fun. I rode the Canal, Riverfront, and St. Charles street cars.

Earlier, I did research on street cars and found out the difference between them and the San Francisco "trolleys" or cable cars. The difference is street cars have their own electric motors and run off of overhead power lines for power. Cable cars run off of an underground system of cables run from a factory type building. The speed is fixed at 9mph and they require a man to operate this pliers-like grip that attaches and detaches from the underground cable to go and stop respectively. So although they are both cars made for public transportation, their inner mechanics are totally different. Very interesting! We are lucky here in New Orleans, because I think street cars are so much cooler!

Anyway, I went shopping at Dollar General, then took the bus home. When I got there, I laid down for a while and we had spaghetti for supper. Of course, I had two servings because I love it so much! =P Now, I am chatting with Dyanis. Later, I will take a shower and go to bed. I have work tomorrow. Until next time...

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013

I worked from 1:30-5:30pm today. Amadeo brought me lunch at Exodus house. At work, we got the sink put together, put the countertop on, put the doorway back in the bathroom, and put hardie backer on the floor in the bathroom. For supper, I had meatloaf, macaroni, and peas.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday, September 20, 2013

I missed work yesterday because I tired and Amadeo was bus with other stuff. However, I made it into work today from 1:30-5:00pm no break for a total of 3.5 hours.

At work today, we put the counter on one of the cabinets, put glue and more clamps on the sink, mixed mortar, and put down mortar and the orange stuff on top. It was a bit rough at first, because we didn't know what we we doing. Amadeo got pissed off really bad and we found out there was not enough water in the mixture. After that, it went fine though. We didn't finish the entire kitchen floor, but we will tomorrow.

For dinner, I had beans, rice, and sausage. I had seconds because it was good. :P Amadeo didn't take any pictures of me today, so there's none for today's blog entry.

In other news, it is Maik's birthday today. I will send him a text. I am chatting with Dyanis right now. After that, I will shower and go to bed, since I work early tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Today, I worked from 10:30am to 4:30pm, with an hour lunch break at Amadeo's apartment, for a total work day of 5 hours.

We put up a wall next to the bathtub, so we could fasten it to it.

We saw a 1957 Volkswagen truck across the street from the house and thought it was cool, so we decided to take a picture of it.

We also began to install the sink. It still needs to be sealed and fastened, though. Amadeo did most of the work. I just assisted him and put the countertop on top of the cabinets.

Tonight for supper, I had turkey necks, rice, and peas. It was ok. It is Lou's birthday today. I texted him and we talked on the phone for a bit. He really cares about me and worries for me. I let him know I am doing ok over here. He was glad I texted him Happy Birthday! :) Now I will chat with Dyanis, then later shower and go to bed. I get picked up at 9:00am for work tomorrow. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I worked today from 2:30-5:30pm. We got the bathtub level and installed it. I used the circular saw today to cut some wood.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Saturday, September 14, 2013

This is my first blog entry in a long time. I have been homeless and going from place to place with no camera. Whenever I can get an iPod again, I will post more often. Until then, I will post when something noteorthy happens in my life and I have access to a camera/pics. I took a break, but decided that it is good for me to post on this blog, because it gives me a place to vent and also a place to document my life online with stories and pictures.

Today, I worked with my brother Amadeo at the Jena street house. We demolished a wall:

               Dawn brought us cold drinks, chips, and sandwiches for lunch. It was filling and good.

                  Later, we put down tar paper and got the bathtub into the bathroom. It sounds simple, but it was time consuming. We had to demolish, sweep, demolish, and sweep some more, but we finally got it done.

At about 4:30,  Amadeo stopped by Radio Shack, then took me home. I ate chicken, rice, and green beans for supper. I found out someone stole some of my snacks. It was probably my roommate, but I don't know for sure. I really need to learn how to say no to strangers who ask me for stuff also. I feel like a jerk if I did, but I don't owe these people anything, and it does not benefit me to give them money or food for nothing in return. I guess they just see me and assume I have money, but truth be told, I am homeless with little money, and I am no better position than they are.

I am going to chat with Dyanis, shower, then go to bed. Thanks for the pics, Amadeo!