Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

COH: $71.00
EBT: $210.93
Phone: 87.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $20.00
Weather: 89°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: good :)

This is day 2 off of Abilify. I helped Amadeo clear and clean his truck this morning, then he paid me $20. We took all the stuff out of his truck, put it in the apartment, and then vacuumed and washed the Envoy. We ran a few errands before going to Golden Corral for lunch at about 2:30 or 3:00. Sadik, Farita, Tia, and David's kids were there and they paid for our meal. It was delicious. Afterwards, we hit the road and headed to Lafayette. I am here with Mom, Randy, and everybody and I am finally home! :) I hope the trip goes well and nothing bad happens with family drama.

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