Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

COH: $112.00
EBT: $245.02
Phone: 151.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $2.00
Weather: 77°F rainy and cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs

I didn't get to post a blog yesterday because I was out all day with Sam and didn't get a chance to access the internet. We spent 5 hours at Washington Square and part of the French Quarter juggling and hanging out with his friend George. Sam really enjoyed that and it was first weekend off in a long time. He was glad to do "nothing"  on a Saturday for once. Later, we got Subway, went to his apartment, played Magic, and then we went to bed.

Today, I slept in, we ate, and we hung out before he took me home. When I got home, I did the daily chores such as the dishes and scooped the cat litter box, then I took my bird cages outside to clean them. Later, it started to thunder, so I took them in. I laid down a couple times and Amadeo got mad at me, as usual. I am so bored and depressed all the time. There's nothing to do and no reason for me to be up as far as I see it, yet I am forced to be up by Amadeo. I don't understand why he can't just leave me alone and leave me be.

Anyway, I rode here to post this blog. Not much going on, and later I will go home and go to bed. I won't be showering tonight because all the towels and clothes are dirty and we have no quarters to put in the washing machine. 


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