Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday March 11, 2013

COH: 4.73
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 301.60
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

ACT from Metairie called me today and told me that there was a waiting list for ACT in Metropolitan New Orleans and that they would put me on intensive care (or something) until I get on with ACT. Michelle said it would basically be the same thing as ACT, but they would not be able to see me as often. It's all good, though. At least I am getting help. Other than the usual chores, I didn't do much today but surf the web outside, reading alot of "manosphere" and feminist/anti-feminist articles. I helped Ali try to get his SIM card to work on his phone, and called United Taxi for him. Justin and Sonu came by for a bit. Dawn came home early because she was not feeling well. She is still sick and coughing very violently. I can't help but be concerned for her. She looks like she is going through a rough time.

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