Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday March 18, 2013

EBT: 96.42
Phone: 262.00
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Today is a great day. It is very beautiful, hot, and sunny outside, and I am sweaty, but happy. I feel so much better than yesterday after I talked to Amadeo, David, and Anya. Starting today, I go to therapy on Mondays at 12 from now on. This is back to what I was doing before, and Anya asked me in an email if I could switch to Mondays. My schedule is very flexible, so of course I agreed to switch.

Today I went to therapy and it was great. We got into deeper family issues this time, which is good because before, I was dealing with daily functioning in the sessions. Now that I have a good routine going, along with ACT helping me, I should be able to dig into deeper family issues more on the future.

I wish Amadeo could take me to Lafayette, so I could get my scrapbook and also my dad's too, along with my old computer, which has all my old pictures on it. I want to do an autobiography/ scrapbook of my life and put it online. Facebook's timeline feature makes that feasible. This is for my own sentimental value, but it would also help Anya understand my family history better than an explanation alone. In the meantime, I can ask mom to email select photos that I need for now.

In other news, I stopped by Rite Aid and Dollar General right after therapy. On the way to there and back, I saw two Dollar General shopping carts left on the sidewalk. It's a shame, and since I shop regularly at Dollar General, I took it upon myself to bring them back, eventually rounding up all 6 of them (including the ones in the parking lot, and brought them inside in the cart holders.

I did this because I care, I wanted to help them, it was on my way, and it wasn't but a few more steps and I got exercise walking. Plus, the carts would have been left there otherwise. It helped the black girls working in the stores since they were busy stocking and helping customers. I am sure they appreciated it. While I have a negative view of black people in general, these girls have always been nice and helpful to me. It also helped the customers because now they have carts to shop with.

It's not my responsibility, but it wasn't too much out of my way to do it. I felt like I did my good deed for the day.

Of course, the day is not complete without animal care. I changed the bird cage liners, gave them fresh food and water, and swept the kitchen floor of debris. After that, I brought them outside and they were very happy. I also gave fresh food to the stray black cat outside. Even though he wasn't there, I knew he would eventually get to it later.

It's starting to cool off and I am in the shade in the courtyard posting this blog entry. Today is a good day. I love you David and Amadeo. Get well soon!

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