Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday March 9, 2013

COH: 2.53
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 330.20
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 5.00

I got back on track last night by making a choice to get off the internet, stop arguing with people online, showering, and getting to bed. I could tell that Amadeo was concerned and didn't want me to be up all night on the internet and throwing off my routine. I told him I need to say bye to Dyanis so she won't think I left her hanging and that I would be right back. i did just that, and also talked to Mako about our music transcription project. Most importantly, I decided it wasn't worth staying on the Internet and arguing with people I don't even know that just want to bring me down. As tempting as arguing is, because it gives me mental stimulation, at a certain point it just becomes toxic and does more harm than good. Remembering Anya's advice, I decided it wasn't worth it and stood down with dignity. Amadeo and I both agreed that this was a turning point for me in that I made a critical decision for the better. He said I should post about it to my blog and so I did. After all, it's purpose is to keep track of my progress and what triggers me to fall off track. I told him I needed more money to wash the clothes and he gave me some. Then he told me where I could get quarters. With that done, I got back on track. Amadeo and I also resolved an issue constructively and communicated clearly.

Got most of the laundry done today. Will resume later. Sam came over and played some Dragon Warrior on the Dell laptop while I finished up folding and putting away the clothes. Towels, underwear, and socks are now fully stocked and the bathroom is clear of laundry again. I also did the dishes and changed the water for my birds. Sam and I are about to grab some Subway, go to Washington Square and hopefully meet some jugglers, and then go hang out at his apartment. Lou will be joining us and we will play Magic: The Gathering and maybe some 3 player video games. It will be fun and I feel accomplished with my day so far. It was also good to see Dawn, Justin Mills, and Sonu earlier. Dawn came over a while ago to use the bathroom (poor thing, she was embarrassed lol) and said that the others will be returning shortly from viewing real estate properties. And here I am, posting this blog entry like Amadeo wanted me to. I am starting to like this. It's great. Until next time...

P.S. I will take pics at the park and upload them here later :)

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