Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013

EBT: 99.76
Phone: 281.60
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Last night, I walked to Dollar General and Rouse's for groceries. Got a good exercise and sweat a lot to the point of chaffing. Then I took my meds, called Amadeo, and went to bed.

This morning, I called Amadeo again, showered, shaved, and brushed, flossed, and rinsed my teeth. It felt good to be clean again. The Dove soap left my skin moisturized, and when I shaved, there was a slick layer of moisture that helped me shave very smoothly and with no nicks or cuts. I also changed my razor cartridge to a new blade.

Later, I went outside and got online. I brought my birds out too, so they can enjoy this beautiful day with me. They are happily chirping now. I also gave the black cat outside fresh food and water. Then, I took out the trash.

I ran into Stan and Michelle, who were going to dollar general. They came back later with a basketball, and we all shot hoops at the basketball goal in the courtyard. We worked up a sweat and then stopped. I haven't played basketball in years, but I eventually recalled how to get a good shot.

The key is to get a good backspin on the ball. At first I mostly missed, but then I got better. I am really good at 3 point shots, which coincidentally the courtyard has a line in the concrete right about where the 3 point line would be on a court. I can make good shots on the far left, right, and center, but not from the in between diagonal angles.

Stan is barbecuing boudin outside right now, and he offered to give me a piece of one. I can tell they are happy to see me outside. I am too, because it would be a shame to spend a beautiful day like this inside. I deserve better, and so do my birds. They are a motivation for me. Doing for them helps me do for me as well. I feel so much better and on track. This contract is working out well so far. I really am starting to see how it is raising my quality of life, instead of being a punishment. I know Amadeo is proud to see me doing so well, too. He really cares about me and loves me. All he wants me to do is try.

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