Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday March 14, 2013

COH: 2.56
EBT: 132.90
Phone: 294.20
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Went to therapy and it went great. Got two packs of toilet paper at dollar general because we were out. Then I saw two feral black cats outside and gave them fresh food and water. The cat that usually hangs around here actually trusted me enough to let me pet it today. :)
Now, I have my birds outside and am posting this blog. Super Dave (our brother ) is flying in today. Not sure if he is staying tonight, but either way Amadeo and Dave are flying to Sebring, Florida in his private propeller driven single wing plane. Amadeo will be gone until next weekend. This will be a test of the contract because I am on my own this week. I'll do the best I can to stick to it. I think I can do it, with all the structure I have like routines and alarms.

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