Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

COH: $90.79
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 80.40
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.75
Weather: 72 F overcast
Mood: Great!
Weight: 270 lbs.

I worked today, and it was a good day. It rained, but I stayed dry for the most part. We removed nails, scraped more paint, hauled lumber, removed tile laminate, and swept. The day went by fast because we worked steadily and I didn't check the time as much.

I found out that Ben's birthday is October 11, 1979. Not only does that make him a Libra, but also love and friendship with my day May 31st according to Josh's astrology book. Pretty cool, and that is the same birthday as my old friend Nicholas Anderson and former colleague Ashley Thibodeaux. No wonder we work so well together! :)

Anyway, I am off now. It was a great day just as I expected. I will chat with Dyanis later. My iPod still seems to have problems connecting to the internet. I couldn't even post the blog from it, so I am posting this on the laptop. I will have to check out what is wrong with it on the internet. I hope I can get some answers and get it working right again soon.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday April 29, 2013

COH: $146.08
EBT: $18.54
Phone: 115.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.50
Weather: 73•F sunny
Mood: great!
Weight: 270 lbs.

Therapy today went great. I had some CBT to think more positively about my life as well as some ideas for long term work. We came up with putting up an ad on Craigslist offering cleaning services for construction sites, houses, or pet sitting.

I honestly feel like my calling is to be a servant like my name suggests. I feel so right when I do it, and I am so good at it and love it that it almost is not work at all. I think I have found my ticket to success. Now all I have to do is give it a try.

I have interview with Caitlin from NAMI in half an hour. She will be getting to know me and my lifestyle so we know what I need help with. Later I am going to cook spaghetti.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Sunday April 28, 2013

COH: $159.30
EBT: $18.54
Phone: 140.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 72•F overcast
Mood: a little antsy but good
Weight: 270 lbs.

Today is Amadeo's quality time day, aka "bro date", haha. Dawn cooked pancakes and sausage for breakfast. It was delicious.

Later, we went to Shawn's house to help him set up his cable tv, Internet, and phone line. They are doing that as I type this. Shawn seems like a nice guy, even like me in a lot of ways. I wonder if he is a Gemini too, lol. He works with Alex and Amadeo.

At about 5:00 tonight, I am going to Sam's to play Magic with Sam and Lou. It will be fun, and I may even get to work on decks. Sam's apartment is so peaceful and quiet.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Saturday April 27, 2013

COH: $145.45
EBT: $39.64
Phone: 159.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $0.00
Weather: 72•F overcast
Mood: a little antsy but good
Weight: 263 lbs.

Outside with the parakeets today. Later, I will cook spaghetti and clean Sam's apartment tonight.

I doubled up the parakeet cages so they can have more space and interact with each other. I tried it yesterday and they loved it! They met each other as soon as I put the cages together. They are flock animals, and they go up to the bars to meet each other when the cages are separate, so there's no surprise there. I will do this from now on.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Friday April 26, 2013

COH: $145.45
EBT: $39.64
Phone: 160.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $0.00
Weather: 75•F overcast
Mood: a little antsy but good
Weight: 263 lbs.

Went to work today. We finished picking up the boards, removing the nails, and removing the windows and facia.

At 1:00, I drove Mills' truck to and from the clinic to get my meds. He asked me to drive it to save time and I was very careful with it. Thankfully, nothing happened to his truck.

We got off early, around 5:00, after a hard day, and we got paid. It was in 1/2 dollars again, lol, but that's ok; money is money .

I went home, unpacked, and went to DG for some kitchen trash bags. When I got home, Dawn let me have the rest of her Angus burger :) it was delicious, but only a snack. I set some meat defrosting for later when I cook spaghetti.

Right now, the parakeets are outside getting fresh air. As usual, they love it. I think all bird owners should do this. It is even good for me to be outside. Earlier, I serviced the cage as well as the food and water outside the door for the stray black cat. I love that thing.

Anyway, going to take it easy tonight. It has been a long week. I worked 5 days and got paid $150. I got all my spending out of my system for now, so I think I will save it for something later like my car.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Thursday April 25, 2013

COH: $1.45
EBT: $39.64
Phone: 166.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $0.00
Weather: 61•F overcast
Mood: a little antsy but good
Weight: 263 lbs.

Going to work today. The dumpster will be there, so we will be picking up trash most of the day.

We did it! We got all the boards, trash, and swept up the place. It looks so much better after Ben and I cleaned up. Amadeo commented on that and also my noticeable weight loss, particularly in my face. I will be keeping track of my weight from now on by suggestion of Amadeo.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday April 24, 2013

COH: $1.41
EBT: $48.89
Phone: 172.40
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.50
Weather: 72•F overcast
Mood: a little antsy but good

Work today. Magic tonight.

Removed wires, nails, scraped paint off doors and doorways, finished popcorn off ceiling. Also removed hardware from doors in garage. It feels great to work as a team with mills and Ben. I feel like I am better working with someone else at the same time. I feel so motivated and on track when I do.

Tonight I tried out my new Boros Battalion deck I bought. I won 2/3 games against Maik (yay!) and I am about to play against Sam with the same deck. It is more of an even match when both players play standard (only the newest block available). It keeps things fresh and new, and makes you rely on skill than killer cards.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Tuesday April 23, 2012

COH: $1.41
EBT: $48.89
Phone: 186.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.50
Weather: 70•F sunny
Mood: a little antsy but good

Going to work today.

Scraped popcorn paint of the ceiling. It was hard. Removed the top front deck board by board. Also removed siding and nails from the sides of the house. As usual, I am exhausted but I still can't stop going.

Monday, April 22, 2013

COH: $1.21
EBT: $86.84
Phone: 187.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.50
Weather: 73•F partly cloudy
Mood: a little antsy but good

Therapy went well today. Saw the psychiatrist after. I will try 6 weeks with just Wellbutrin and Prozac before seeing him again. I might go on a lower dose of Abilify after that. We will see. Now, I go grocery shopping and then Skype with Dyanis at 5:00.

It's a beautiful day today. It even sun showered on the way back home from the doctor. I hadn't experienced that in a long time :)

Monday April 22, 2013

COH: $23.73
EBT: $86.84
Phone: 187.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.00
Weather: 66•F sunny
Mood: a little antsy but good

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Sunday April 21, 2013

COH: $30.54
EBT: $103.19
Phone: 202.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.00
Weather: 66•F sunny
Mood: a little antsy but good

I took my parakeets outside, went for a walk today and stopped at the Bean Gallery. We are going to play Magic at Sam's place @ 5:00 today. Maik, Lou, and Michelle will be joining us. It will be great.

Today is the first day I stopped taking Abilify. I could not take the restlessness it gives me. I still feel jittery because it has a long half life. It's ok because the doctor said I could stop taking it if I wanted to. I think it's for the best. I can't live my life not being able to sit still for 2 seconds. I am better off without it.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Saturday April 20, 2013

COH: $67.30
EBT: $103.19
Phone: 22.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.00
Weather: 66•F sunny
Mood: a little antsy but good

Worked today. Demolished garage, cut pipes with saws all, and removed window sills, and got off early.

Me sitting on the second floor deck.

Me demolishing a wall in the garage with a sledge hammer.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Pay day!

COH: $84.21
EBT: $103.19
Phone: 51.00
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.75
Weather: 55•F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: a little antsy but good

Finished pulling up the tile and removing the hardware from the doors today. I feel accomplished! Amadeo joined us today as well, and he took me home.

It's also pay day and I got $80, $20 of it in half dollars. Mills still owes me $10 since 3 days at $30 a day is $90, but it's all good. I know he will pay me when he can. I work tomorrow, and Dawn is cooking tonight, so I am enjoying the rest of the evening off :)

Friday April 19, 2013

COH: $3.19
EBT: $103.19
Phone: 55.00
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.75
Weather: 75•F rainy
Mood: a little antsy but good

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Thursday April 18, 2013

COH: $14.24
EBT: $103.19
Phone: 70.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.75
Weather: 75•F overcast
Mood: a little antsy but good

Heading into my second day of work today.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wednesday April 17, 2013

COH: $19.70
EBT: $103.19
Phone: 72.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.75
Weather: 82•F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: tired but I feel ok

Got up early with Dawn and Amadeo. Had some coffee and gave them donut sticks to go with it. Then they left.

After washing the dishes and taking care of my birds, I jammed to music for a little while. Tried to rest after that but was too restless, so I suited up and went bike riding.

Rode to lab, but they said I need to wait until 3 since I ate at 7am. I went to Wal-Mart and Radio Shack to look for a USB to wall adapter, but they were all $15 and up, and I only had $7.

Stopped by Starbucks to check Facebook and took a picture. Then I looked up directions.

I rode home and rode to Birds Unlimited to sell the 3 chicks I had. It was a long ride but I made it back safe and sound and so did the chicks. I made $15 total at $5 per chick.

Now I am posting this blog. At 3 or 4, I will get my lab done (blood test for meds), eat something (finally!), then head over to Maik's for Wednesday night Magic.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Tuesday April 16, 2013

COH: $12.89
EBT: $121.79
Phone: 81.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.75
Weather: 73•F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: good, barely jittery

Yesterday, Amadeo told me he rather see me a little hyperactive than depressed. That made me feel good :)

I got a pill box and organized things in the house to make more space. Later, I jammed to Papa Roach and Trapt and when Amadeo came home, we flew helicopters and Dawn gave me two chocolate Easter bunnies. Amadeo showed me his idea of making a retractable desk in the space where that old chair once was. It was pretty neat.

There were armed helicopters flying 500 feet over downtown New Orleans last night in response to the Boston Bombing. It was pretty freaky!

Today is my first day working in several months, helping Justin Mills work on his house. It will be the same "construction helper" job that I did with Alex. I can't wait! Now I can finally start putting money into getting my car fixed! :D

Anyway, I need to get ready and make my lunch because work starts at 11:00 and I don't want to be late, especially on my first day, even if it is a casual job. Until next time....

P.S. I switched to half a pill of Abilify now.i still feel jittery, but not nearly as much. I can actually sit still much easier now. The drug must be very potent to make me bouncing off the walls with only a small 16mg pill that's less than the size if a hole punch.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday April 15, 2013

COH: $12.82
EBT: $121.79
Phone: 82.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.75
Weather: 73•F rainy and cloudy
Mood: jittery still, but feeling better.

Went to therapy today, and it was great. The solution to my restlessness is to stay cool, drink plenty of water, exercise to burn off excess energy, and drop down to 1/2 a pill of Abilify every day. I cut the pills for the rest of the week and put them in a newly bought daily dose container. I was advised by one of the worker's at New Hope to get one, and I agree, because it helps me remember if I have taken my dose that day or not.

I cleaned the bird cages today, as well as some other things. I walked alot, too.

Yesterday, Amadeo and I watched "The Story of Luke", a film about a young man with autism who is trying to get a job, girlfriend, and fit in with the rest of the world. Alot of the content in the movie applied to me, and Amadeo gained a greater understanding of what I go through after he watched the movie. For that, I am grateful, because he cares enough to research my condition. We talked a bunch during breaks in the movie, and we got alot of communication through to each other. It was great! :)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Sunday April 14, 2013

COH: $20.22
EBT: $133.44
Phone: 108.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $2.00
Weather: 72•F sunny and cool
Mood: jittery

Alex told me I look like I am in a food mood/happy yesterday. I have a lot more energy and am less sensitive to light and sound, but I feel jittery and my lower back aches, especially the right side. Sometimes I have to lay down and sometimes I can't lie down. I can't sit still either. It takes a lot of effort just to relax. I also get shortness of breathe and find it hard to breathe. I don't know if it's due to the meds or not. Showering at night is best for many reasons. More on that later.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday April 13, 2013

COH: $0.80
EBT: $135.00
Phone: 112.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 73•F sunny and cool
Mood: jittery

All this week I've been having lower back pain (aching on the right side especially), and I feel jittery. I need to eat something. I don't know why I have been feeling so weird. Maybe it's the meds. I will tell Anya about it on Monday.

Last night, I dusted, swept, and mopped in the apartment after the tile guy was here. It was so messy! but I got it done. I didn't think I could considering how tired and how much in pain I was, but I did. Amadeo was proud of me. Today, Amadeo had me sort and and sell these various cell phones and accessories online. I just posted the ads to Craigslist and eBay Classifieds. I hope they sell. The broken stuff I can drop off at Best Buy.

I took the parakeets out yesterday and today, and they love it and I love it too. We are both happier as a result. My goals for this week are:

1) Clean Sam's Apartment tonight
2) Go to therapy on Monday
3) Sell 3 chicks to Bird's Unlimited on Monday
4) Get lab done on St. Charles (when I can)

I have learned alot this past week in the respite home. I was constantly around people, socializing, and learning self help techniques through our group sessions and also individual ones. I have learned that it's better to try and fail than not try at all. It doesn't have to be perfect or nothing. Just give it a try and do your best and relax when you feel overwhelmed or tense. Put on the brakes and start over.

I learned these things because I was in an environment that forced me to learn. It was rough, but I did it. Amadeo is proud of me. He got me big Tupperware containers to put my stuff in. I will stay at Amadeo's house for the time being while I look for another place to stay. My social worker will help mt with that.

Meanwhile, Justin Mills offered me a job to help with construction around his house for cash. I most certainly agreed to do it, as I need the money and work right now.

I feel like an adult now. I never thought I would say that, but now that I am almost 28 years old, I am getting things done and being responsible (with the help of Amadeo and others around me). I am posting on blogs and checking/sending/forwarding emails to people for real life communication instead of wasting hours chatting with people I don't know and will never meet. I think my peers have helped me get and stay connected to the real world. I have not done so in several years because my social circles dried up, but now they are back! :)

I am posting at McDonald's today. The blender machine was really loud, but I have calmed down and I think I am going to be ok. My ears are aggravated, but I was protected. I will be going home now, and maybe chat with Dyanis later. Hopefully Ali turned his internet back on. Until next time....

Friday, April 12, 2013

Friday April 12, 2013

COH: $1.51
EBT: $137.14
Phone: 115.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 73•F sunny and cool
Mood: exhausted :(

I have been at New Hope New Orleans respite home, and they won't let you use your cell phone or iPod due to privacy reasons (iPod has a camera), so I haven't posted to my blog since last Sunday. I will be discharged Friday at 2:15pm and will resume blogging after that. Right now I am at Central City Behavioral Health Center to see my psychiatrist about the Abilify I was put on since Monday to help calm me down.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Sunday April 7, 2013

COH: $1.51
EBT: $137.14
Phone: 155.40
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 79•F cool, sunny, and partly cloudy
Mood: stressed and pissed off! >:(

I spent the better part of my day arguing with Amadeo about the same old shit, with some new shit on top as well as stressing out and writing about it on my diary. Needless to say, I am thoroughly pissed and stressed the fuck out. I can't wait to talk about it in therapy tomorrow. Amadeo just can't leave me alone. We just can't seem to see eye to eye. I really can't stay here for very much longer. Something's got to give.

Amadeo, if you are reading this and don't like what I wrote here, I don't care. This is how I truly feel and I refuse to make any apologies for it.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Saturday April 6, 2013

COH: $1.51
EBT: $137.14
Phone: 155.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 75•F cool, sunny, and partly cloudy
Mood: great! :)

Last night, Amadeo, Mills, Dawn, and I stayed up late. I wanted to go to bed, but they were up listening to music and later, watching a movie. We ended up all going to bed around 1:30-2:00am. I woke up with my alarm at 9:00am and took my meds, and went back to sleep because everybody was still sleeping.

Later, around 1:00pm, Dawn started making a late breakfast of bacon, scrambled eggs, and buttered biscuits. We ate, and it was delicious, then I washed the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen. Afterward, I went to chat online with Dyanis. It was great! :) I love her so much. She had to go to the doctor, and later with her friends. At 7:30:-8:00 tonight, I will meet her online again and see if she can chat or not. In the meantime, I will be enjoying the weather outside here in the courtyard and bring my parakeets outside too.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Friday April 5, 2013

COH: $1.36
EBT: $137.14
Phone: 158.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $1.25
Weather: 66•F sunny
Mood: pretty good :)

Earlier today was rough. I didn't get enough sleep last night because there was a movie on until about 2:00am. I didn't eat breakfast because I didn't go to the grocery store yet.

My care insurance was cancelled, and Amadeo tried to call Farm Bureau and see what he could do about it. At around 11:40am, he called and wanted me to go to the DMV to see about any fees or suspensions on my driver's license. I didn't have a ride to go there, so he got Justin Mills to pick me up with my bike and I would ride back.

Justin got here early, so I wasn't ready yet. I told him I would be a few minutes, and moved with purpose to get ready. We went outside, and I went to put my bike in the back of his truck. I slipped and busted my left shin trying to do so. The noise of traffic and construction right across the street was very nerve wracking for me.

We get in the truck, and Justin starts driving. I begin to have a sharp pain in my ears to to the foam earplugs pressure on my mandibular (jaw) joints. It got worse until I am in excruciating pain, and can hardly do anything except breathe and try to endure the pain.

Amadeo calls Justin, and asks to speak to me. At this point, I was in so much pain, I could not think clearly or talk, so I told Justin I was in a lot of pain and asked for Amadeo to call back later. He agrees. Meanwhile, I am tired and going hungry, and have the stress of this car insurance/license/ticket basket case that I have not thought about in a long time so I could keep my sanity. There's nothing I can do about it now, so why work myself up for nothing?

Anyway, all of this stress and pressure builds up, and I start hyperventilating. It gets worse and worse until my blood begins to feel like sand in my veins. It keeps getting worse and worse until I start crying out in agony, and start screaming occasionally just because I couldn't bear the pain any longer.

At times, I opened my eyes, but with all the other stress and distractions, the rough ride just added to my stress, so I closed them right after. This happened several times. I then began convulsing and Justin told me to calm down. However, the stress was too much for me, and I couldn't. I was having an autistic meltdown. I nearly blacked out completely. I continued to convulse, but Justin stayed quiet and kept driving.

By the time we got to the DMV, I was shook up worse than I had ever been before. It was like the time I had a meltdown at the drug testing center before getting a job at the Lafayette Grand 16 Theater in 2005, expect much worse. The nurses had to tranquilize me by opening a couple packets of gas in my face that made me calm down, and put me in a chair sipping a Dr. Pepper through a straw. This time though, I didn't have the luxury of getting tranquilized this time, so I continued to suffer.

At this point, Justin was trying to calm me down, but I had already lost control of myself. Frustrated with my own limitations, and embarrassed that this was happening in front of Justin, I kept saying how I wish I were dead, and that I can't handle everyday life, so I don't deserve to live. Just replied by saying that's not true and there are people who love me, like Amadeo.

It was hard, but I eventually got to the point where I could explain what happened. I told him what an Autistic meltdown was, and how I was diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder several months ago. He said Amadeo told him about it, so he had at least a little understanding of it. I told him how it was all these different stress factors building up and eventually overcoming me. I explained how it may look very strange and even like a temper tantrum to the untrained eye, but the base motivation is completely different; it is caused from an overload of stress.

I told him that I hadn't eaten anything today, and he offered to go pick me up some food. We talked out the details, he drew me a map of how to get home, and I got my bike out and headed to the DMV. Justin went to pick up some food for me. I told him I he didn't have to, but I was very grateful that he did.

I went inside, and the lady at the desk told me there were no fees, suspensions or barriers of any kind on my driving record. It was weird, because I was expecting there would be a suspension, fees, and tickets on there, but she said there was nothing. She then gave me a number to wait in line to renew my license. I couldn't afford to renew it, but I stayed there and waited my turn to get seen anyway, especially since I just got there after a stressful trip. Amadeo called, and I told him that they couldn't find anything, but we agreed that I should wait in line to talk to someone else just to make sure.

Meanwhile, Justin brought me back a cheeseburger, fries, and soft drink from McDonald's. He made sure I was ok before he left. The food hit the spot just right. I ate outside as not to make a mess indoors, and I kept checking the screen to make sure I didn't miss my turn.

Eventually, I got to see the guy at the counter and he told me the same thing: that he did not see anything remarkable on my driver's license record. I asked if I could have a copy of my driver's license status for my own records, but he couldn't give it to me I'm assuming because he wasn't allowed. Instead, he gave me the phone number and website to where I could get it myself. I then called Amadeo back, told him what happened, and began heading home.

The ride home was not as bad, nor as long as I thought it would be. It was a bit longer than going to the coffee shop, but less far than the house party I went to on Dec 21 of last year. That was in Lakeview. When I get back to Carrollton and Canal, I remember that I needed to go grocery shopping, so I went Rouse's while I was already out and on that side of town. I got my groceries, took them home, put them away, and went to Dollar General for a few more things.

I get home, put away the groceries, and come out to post my daily blog entry. I was feeling much better by then, but I still remember how shook up I was, and felt burnt out from the event. Later, Amadeo and Mills come home and we hang out for a while. I went outside and began finishing this blog post by typing out the body and details of what happened today. I chatted with Dyanis a little but, but she had to go and we plan to chat tomorrow between 1:30-2:30pm.

Despite the rough time I had this morning, the day got better and better, and I can honestly say that it was worth it. I was very stressed for a while, but now I see that even in the worst of times, I can still make it through! :) Not to mention, at least now I know more about what's going on with my car insurance and driver's license, so I don't have to stress about those anymore; at least not for a while.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thursday April 4, 2013

COH: $4.93
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 182.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $3.00
Weather: 66•F overcast
Mood: great! :)

First day on my own again. I have a great template to work from now. Dyanis and Dawn showed me a more efficient way to wash the dishes, sweep the floors, clean the bathroom, and even shop, so I can do these things more consistently from now on.

I got up, took my meds, called Amadeo, made the beds, showered, got dressed, ate, washed the dishes, took care of the birds, and now I am outside posting this blog.

Later, I will wash the white clothes and towels because we are running low. I also might get some cereal from Family Dollar. That is all for now.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday April 3, 2013

COH: $8.92
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 199.40
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $3.25
Weather: 64•F overcast
Mood: great! :)

It rained last night and earlier today. Dyanis packed up her stuff because this is her last day here. Her bus departs at 6:30pm and we leave for the bus station at 4:20pm via the street car. After she leaves, I will take the street car straight to Maik's to play MTG and come back home later also via the street car.

Today was great. In fact, this whole trip was great. I have been doing so much better with Dyanis around. I hope I can continue to stay on track after she leaves. I should though because I will keep in touch with her everyday and Amadeo will be around to help me keep a bearing on things. In fact, I have my routine to help me keep my stability.

I can't wait to see Dyanis again in a few months. I love her so much. I will miss her and she will miss me, but we will see each other again in a few months <3 data-blogger-escaped-br="">

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Tuesday April 2, 2013

COH: $7.91
EBT: $8.71
Phone: 269.00
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $3.00
Weather: 79•F overcast
Mood: great! :)

Just relaxing with Dyanis today. I took her out to the French Quarter last night and treated her to McDonald's like she asked me to. I also saw Seani working at the trader emporium on bourbon street earlier yesterday.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

COH: $30.41
EBT: $8.71
Phone: 321.80
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $0.00
Weather: 66•F sunny, partly cloudy
Mood: great! :)

I talked to mom yesterday to tell her happy birthday and happy Easter. She was glad to hear my voice again in such a long while.

Dyanis and I went downtown again last night. We had to find a bathroom because we both needed to go. Luckily, although the regular bathrooms were already closed, the movie theater's bathrooms were not, so we used them. Afterward, we hung out at a diner and watched videos on YouTube. It was great.

Later, we went to Harrah's casino. It was noisy, smokey, and crowded inside, but I was able to manage. Dyanis played a few slot machine games. She didn't win anything, but didn't lose much either. She thanked me for taking her there because she had not been to casino in a long time and had a lot of fun.

This morning, the cable guy came to install tv at the apartment. Then I ate breakfast, showered, got dressed and went to therapy. It went great and I feel so much better now. And here I am posting this blog entry outside.