Thursday, July 18, 2013

Thursday, July 18, 2013

COH: $20.00
EBT: $200.68
Phone: 201.40
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 76°F thunderstorms
Mood: pretty good

Weight: 270 lbs

Yesterday, I played Magic at Maik's. It was ok. I won one game and lost the rest. I go there more to see my friends than to play a game. We had Lebanese food for dinner and they invited me to a birthday celebration on Saturday for Andrew and Sam. I think I will go.

Today, Amadeo was upset with me because I haven't been calling him in the morning, but I called him today. I just have been feeling so depressed. I showered, shaved, and clean my teeth. Later, after drying off, I put in earplugs, got dressed, then headed outside. I took the street car to my therapy session with Courtney Olds, because my bike tire went flat AGAIN. This was my last session with her, since I cannot afford to pay for

any more sessions. It went very well, and she said she will give Anya things to work on with me. Courtney is so nice! :) I see Anya on Monday at 12:00 at last! Therapy has been great with Courtney, but it will be nice to have Anya back again. She is so understanding and helpful, and in her own words, "directive". haha. I will feel safe and sound with Anya there for me again. I can't wait until Monday.

Anyway, I used my day pass once more to bus it over to CC's to post this blog. Sam invited me to Kyle's to play Magic, but I declined. I am burnt out on MTG, plus my bike tire is flat. Later on, I will bus it back home and go to bed. If it rains, I am prepared with my umbrella, the cover from the bus stop, and the bus itself. I will do my best to stay dry! :P

I am on a lower dose of Abilify now (2.5 mg), so I don't feel jittery, but I feel slower and more depressed. I think I am at a happy medium now, however. I can manage with this, at least for now.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

COH: $64.00
EBT: $200.68
Phone: 87.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 85°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: meh

Weight: 270 lbs

I didn't get to post yesterday because my bike tire was flat, but I got it fixed. Yesterday, Caitlin took me to my psychiatrist appointment and he lowered my dose of Abilify from 7.5mg to 5mg. We will see how that works and I come back in 8 weeks to see him again. 

Today, Caitlin brought me to my interview with Tivoli place apartments. I didn't have a valid ID, so I was rescheduled to come back on August 7th. Bummer. We went to the DMV and it turns out I have no insurance on my car, and a $250 fee for not paying it, AND I can't get my license now. DOUBLE bummer. Next week, we will try to get a state ID since I can't get my license. 

When I got home, I warmed up some spaghetti and ate. I also took my bird cages out to wash them. After that, I came to CC's to post my blog. Amadeo called me to see how I was doing and now here we are.

I feel like shit and don't feel like doing anything, but at the same time, I can't stand doing nothing. I hate feeling like this. I am going to chat with Dyanis later and then when I leave here, I will go home, bring my birds in, and get ready for bed.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Sunday, July 14, 2013

COH: $71.00
EBT: $210.93
Phone: 77.00
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $20.00
Weather: 85°F sunny
Mood: a little sad

This morning, I woke up and Randy cooked bacon and eggs for breakfast. Right now, the kids are playing and Mom and Tia are watching TV. I leave for the bus station at 4:00pm today. I am sad I didn't get to stay longer, say another night, but this is the best time to take the bus. Any later, and I would be late for my appointment tomorrow. It was a nice visit and I hope to come here again sometime. I might go walking or riding the bike around the neighborhood later. 

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Saturday, July 13, 2013

COH: $71.00
EBT: $210.93
Phone: 87.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $20.00
Weather: 89°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: good :)

This is day 2 off of Abilify. I helped Amadeo clear and clean his truck this morning, then he paid me $20. We took all the stuff out of his truck, put it in the apartment, and then vacuumed and washed the Envoy. We ran a few errands before going to Golden Corral for lunch at about 2:30 or 3:00. Sadik, Farita, Tia, and David's kids were there and they paid for our meal. It was delicious. Afterwards, we hit the road and headed to Lafayette. I am here with Mom, Randy, and everybody and I am finally home! :) I hope the trip goes well and nothing bad happens with family drama.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

COH: $50.00
EBT: $210.93
Phone: 87.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 90°F sunny
Mood: pretty good

Weight: 270 lbs

I went to Dollar General for a few things this morning. I also walked to and from City Park. Not much else went on today. Later, I am going to help Amadeo organize his truck and he invited me to go to Lafayette with him, David, and the kids. It will be a tight fit in one vehicle, but I seriously want to go to Lafayette.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

COH: $50.00
EBT: $223.00
Phone: 98.00
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 75°F cloudy and rainy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs

Today, I got up and showered. At 2:45, I went to therapy and got caught in the rain on the way there and back. I got soaked. Later, I went home and Dawn came home. Amadeo came home too and then they went to get their hair cut. Right now, I am posting this blog at CC's. After this, I will go home and go to bed.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

COH: $88.00
EBT: $223.00
Phone: 106.00
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 88°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs

This morning, I went to Dollar General to buy some cat food. Later, I took my birds outside, took them back in because of thunder, and then ate lunch. Now I am here at CC's posting the blog. It's Magic night tonight at Maik's, so I will be going there. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

COH: $93.00
EBT: $223.00
Phone: 123.60
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 85°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs

This morning, I went to Dollar General for some things, then I came home and showered. I listened to some music on my laptop, then at 3:30, Caitlin came. We went over my Tivoli place application, as well and some stuff with LRS and trying to choose the best vendor for my services. Unfortunately, she has only two weeks left before she quits, and I will get a new case manager in her place named Patrice. It was great having her as a case manager though. Amadeo stopped by for a second and he offered me to help organize the things in his truck for money. Right now, I am at CC's posting this blog. Later, I will go home and get ready for bed.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday, July 8, 2013

COH: $102.00
EBT: $225.00
Phone: 133.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $15.00
Weather: 78°F rainy and cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs

This morning, I went to get quarters at Whitney bank. Later, I went to Wal-Mart to exchange my half dollar rolls for bills. Wal-Mart didn't take it, and the bank inside almost didn't either until a Sheriff convinced the teller to exchange my half dollars. That was a pleasant surprise! :) I got some bird seed with a gift card and almost bought an umbrella, but it was too big and too expensive. 

When I got home, I unpacked, ate some lunch, and scooped the cats litter box. I then headed to Rouse's to get some Hamburger Helper and some meat. When I got back, I unpacked and started washing clothes. I called Sasha asking about cleaning work, but she said she would have to get back to me on that. I cooked beef stroganoff for supper and washed the dishes. Amadeo came home later with some pizza. He was proud of me for being up and for the way the house looked so clean. :) I finished folding the clothes, then headed out here to CC's to post my blog and maybe chat with Dyanis or Josh Cerna. 

I will be honest, it is very hard to stay up during the day because I always feel tired, but today I managed to do it.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Sunday, July 7, 2013

COH: $112.00
EBT: $245.02
Phone: 151.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $2.00
Weather: 77°F rainy and cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs

I didn't get to post a blog yesterday because I was out all day with Sam and didn't get a chance to access the internet. We spent 5 hours at Washington Square and part of the French Quarter juggling and hanging out with his friend George. Sam really enjoyed that and it was first weekend off in a long time. He was glad to do "nothing"  on a Saturday for once. Later, we got Subway, went to his apartment, played Magic, and then we went to bed.

Today, I slept in, we ate, and we hung out before he took me home. When I got home, I did the daily chores such as the dishes and scooped the cat litter box, then I took my bird cages outside to clean them. Later, it started to thunder, so I took them in. I laid down a couple times and Amadeo got mad at me, as usual. I am so bored and depressed all the time. There's nothing to do and no reason for me to be up as far as I see it, yet I am forced to be up by Amadeo. I don't understand why he can't just leave me alone and leave me be.

Anyway, I rode here to post this blog. Not much going on, and later I will go home and go to bed. I won't be showering tonight because all the towels and clothes are dirty and we have no quarters to put in the washing machine. 


Friday, July 5, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

COH: $130.00
EBT: $245.02
Phone: 182.60
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $0.50
Weather: 75°F rainy and cloudy
Mood: ok
Weight: 270 lbs

Yesterday, I hung out with Sam and Maik and we played MTG.

Today, Amadeo stayed home and I had some issues with getting up and staying up because I am bored and depressed with nothing to do. Amadeo pushed and pushed me to stay up and I did. The power went off at around 1pm-2pm and he left. Later, the power came back on and Amadeo came back with Dawn. I had called Terry and Sasha but no answer. I am thinking of asking Mills for my old job back. I don't know, though. I came to CC's to post this blog and chat with Dyanis. Not much else is going on today.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Thursday, July 4, 2013

COH: $152.00
EBT: $43.88
Phone: 204.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 87°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 270 lbs.

Happy Independence Day or July 4! The weather is very beautiful today. I went to therapy and it went well. When I got home, I did the dishes, took care of the cats, and tidied up the house. Now, I am posting this blog at CC's They are closed for the holiday today, but I am still outside catching the signal. I am the only one here using the internet and it is very fast! There is one other person out here, but he is not using the internet. I made plans to hang out with Sam, Maik, and Michelle later this afternoon.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

COH: $152.00
EBT: $43.88
Phone: 217.40
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 82°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: ok
Weight: 283 lbs.

Amadeo got pissed at me for sleeping during the day yesterday. I was honestly very tired. I had cleaned the refrigerator and took a shower, which took energy out of me. He probably thinks this is the "first straw" to "junkie behavior", but little does he know this does not affect my schedule. I will still be home for 10:00 and in bed for 11:00. I do not stay out late anymore. In fact, I go to a different cafe to make sure I get home on time. Here we go again with him being mad at me. 

At the same time, I do need something to do during the day, though. Maybe I should go back to work with Mills. If I do, though, I can't post blogs on Wednesdays because I can't carry my cards and my laptop at the same time. There simply is not enough room and it is too much to carry. And if I don't go to Wednesday night Magic, well there goes my social life. I don't know what to do. My life is so fucking hard and complicated, even with the littlest things. I really fucking hate having Asperger's Syndrome. There are days that I would rather having just about anything else disabling me, but alas, I can't change it. I guess I will just have to suffer for the rest of my miserable life. :/

Today from noon to 3:00, I went to a NAMI picnic in City Park. The food was good and I got to meet some new people. Now I am posting this blog at CC's. Later, I will go to Maik's to play Magic. 

I hate how I feel on this medicine. I am restless, anxious, fidgety, and can't calm down for a second. It's like I have Parkinson's Disease. I wish I could just eliminate the side effect or better yet stop taking it altogether and take something else for my depression.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

COH: $154.00
EBT: $73.88
Phone: 235.60
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 82°F partly cloudy
Mood: ok

Weight: 283 lbs.

Today at 10:00am, I met with Caitlin to get my birth certificate. I was informed that Tivoli place gives priority to people 62 or over, but I can still apply. When I got home, I cleaned the refrigerator and took the birds outside. I went to Dollar General for some things, and came home. I then showered and shaved, then lied down and cuddled with the kitten for a while. At about 4:45pm, Dawn told me to come outside and meet Amadeo to help get my car towed away to Alex's house. I waited in the Rite-Aid parking lot for about an hour while Amadeo got the car over to the trailer. We loaded it up and Amadeo went on his way. Dawn dropped me off and I ate leftover spaghetti for supper. Then, I packed up and headed here to post my blog. When I get home, as usual I will take my birds in and get ready for bed.


Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday, July 1, 2013

COH: $171.00
EBT: $85.00
Phone: 254.00
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $1.50
Weather: 87°F sunny
Mood: ok

Not much going on today except taking care of the cats and birds. I ate leftover spaghetti, then came here to post my blog and chat with Dyanis because I was bored and stir crazy out of my mind. Amadeo and Dawn are coming back today and should be here by tonight at 11:00pm or 12:00am.