Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sunday March 31, 2013

COH: $30.41
EBT: $8.71
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $0.00
Weather: 73•F partly cloudy
Mood: good

Today is Easter Sunday and mom's 60th birthday. Amadeo and Dawn are going to the zoo today. Dyanis and I are walking around town. We are at McDonald's while I post this blog (not eating, just wifi).It is a beautiful day. We are both up for anything, so we might go to the quarter or other places.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Saturday, March 30, 2013

COH: $0.41
EBT: $8.71
Phone: 92.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $4.75
Weather: 79•F sunny and cool
Mood: ok, a bit worried

I swept the floors today, and cleaned the entire bathroom. Then I bathed and ate what Dyanis cooked for me (spaghetti, salad, and toast). We washed clothes and put them away too. Later, I will clean Sam's apartment while Dyanis stays behind and talks to her friend. I will use some of the money to take Dyanis out on Monday.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Friday March 29, 2013

COH: $1.41
EBT: $35.73
Phone: 95.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $4.50
Weather: 72•F sunny and cool
Mood: good

Dyanis cooked breakfast for us, and then we washed the dishes and bathed one after the other. She then got dressed and fixed her hair. I had an idea to wear something that matches her outfit and I did. It's a romantic thing to do in my opinion since it emphasizes that we are a couple. I also got the idea from other couples, including Amadeo with his past girlfriends. I will do this for the rest of her time here. She said she wants to bring me home, haha. I wish.

I chose blue jeans and a light blue polo shirt since she's wearing a blue and grey striped shirt and jeans. She told me she didn't like khakis anyway.

We are going shopping later at Rouse's and Dollar General. Like yesterday, we will get day passes so that we can take the street to and from the store, and later to the cafe. It will be much cheaper that way; only $6 versus $10 for several individual trips.

That's all for now.

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thursday March 28, 2013

EBT: 41.33
Phone: 160.40
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 5.75

I went to pick up my meds at 1:30. Dyanis and I got day passes to ride the street car, since it was cheaper that way. We rode down Canal St., then swapped street cars at St. Charles. The experience was very nerve racking, for many reasons. The St. Charles street car was shitty as hell. They were slow, over-crowded, loud/noisy, and lacked air conditioning. Also, there were only leather straps to hold onto in the front and the back, but at least they had handles on the backs of the seats to hold onto. Still, I kept losing my balance. The driver looked like she didn't want to be there, and didn't announce the stops. I wasn't sure which stop we needed to get off at, and it was almost 3:30 when the pharmacy closes.

I eventually figured out where we were, and we got off at the stop. It seems that you have to get off quickly before the car starts going again. For that reason, and the fact that I was stressed with so many things at once, I basically had a meltdown. I ran like a bat out of hell out of the street car and into the street . I scared Dyanis half to death and she called me, because there were cars coming. I got out of the way, but she was telling me that it was dangerous. I lost control of myself because I was so stressed, and there didn't seem to be anywhere to go.

After alot of fighting/talking, we got to the pharmacy just in time. If we had arrived one minute later, they would have closed. The security guard said I was lucky. It sucks that there is only a 2 hour window of time, but I had to get my meds. I had to wait for a long time, because they were backed up. I eventually calmed down, answered a demographics questionnaire for the clinic, got my meds, scheduled my next appointment, and met Dyanis outside (she decided not to pass through security because it would take too long). We talked some more about it and then began walking to Wal-Mart.

We were still fighting about the same issue as before: she was telling me I need to be careful because nothing is worth getting hurt or killed in traffic, even being late and missing a day of meds. I got lost and we went too far in the wrong direction. I was just about ready to throw in the towel at this point. I was tired, hungry, hot sweaty, and my legs hurt. My ears also were bothering me because of all the traffic noise. We eventually headed back and found Wal-Mart. Then, we went inside.

Dyanis went shopping for some bras and tried them on. I felt like a kid again, like when I had to wait for mom in the store. After Dyanis came out of the dressing room, I told her my legs hurt and I needed to sit. I promised her if she needed to find me that she could just text me. I wasn't going far, so she agreed. I went to the front of the store, used the bathroom, and found a seat at some bank. I also managed to get some change that was stuck in the coin star machine, which was good.

Afterward, we both were hungry, so we decided to head back. I found a $5 bill on the way out. Dyanis and I both agreed that today was not all bad, and things were looking up. I was ok riding the street car again since I knew what to expect this time, and I was more careful in the street. We took the street car back to Canal/St. Charles, and found a Domino's Pizza. She wanted to take us there, and we ordered a large Meat-zza with a 2-liter of Sprite. We relaxed, ate, chat, and went to the Canal Street Mall, then we went home to to get jackets because it was cold.

Amadeo, Dawn, and Justin Mills were there watching a movie, and we said hi. Then we, got our stuff, and headed out again. We went to the Harrah's casino, but Dyanis didn't bring her I.D., so we couldn't go in. We then went to The Canal Street Mall again, and hung out there for a while and chatted :) Then, we went home and went to bed.

It was a great day overall, full of chatting, walking, traveling, and plenty of P.D.A. ;) Dyanis is the perfect girl for me! :)

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday March 25, 2013

EBT: 41.33
Phone: 160.40
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 5.75

Went to therapy today. It went great. Dyanis came with me but was not allowed in the session. Then we went home and she laid down because her head hurts. Right now I am outside posting this blog. I am in a great mood and I'm functioning very well.

I was notified today that I have an 8:00am appointment at Central City, but I am not eligible for Medicaid transportation and I am released from the Metairie ACT team. I will have to ask Amadeo to take me, find another ride, or ride my bike there. It's very early but I think I can manage to do it.

As far as weather goes, it is sunny, but very windy and cold. It has been like that since yesterday. It is 54•F at 2pm! Crazy cold snap back, but that's south Louisiana weather for you.

Sam is coming to pick me up at 7pm to go to his parents for Passover. It will last until 11pm. Dyanis is coming with me and Michelle will be there too. There will be food, social interaction, and reading of the Passover story.

Until next time...

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Sunday March 24, 2013

EBT: 41.33
Phone: 167.40
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 5.75

Dyanis cooked breakfast and supper for us. I washed the dishes. We went outside to sit with the parakeets. Then we went to get some things at dollar general.

On the way there, Felicia stopped us and we talked for a little while. She asked if we wanted to ride with her to Lafayette. I said I would love to, but I already had plans to go to Sam's parents house for Passover.
That and I wasn't prepared to leave as it was a surprise. She said Doug could bring me there next week when he gets back from Chile next Sunday.

Now we are out in the courtyard checking email and posting this blog.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Saturday March 23, 2013

EBT: 51.08
Phone: 180.40
Visa: 0.62

Today was great. Went grocery shopping with Dyanis! :)

Friday, March 22, 2013

Friday March 22, 2013

Dawn brought me to the bus station and we picked up Dyanis. She was camera shy, lol :P Dawn treated us to pizza afterward and we all talked. Then, Dawn left and Dyanis and I hung out the rest of the night.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Thursday March 21, 2013

EBT: 96.42
Phone: 210.40
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

I rode my bike to Crescent City Comics on Freret St. It's near Maik's house, so I took the same route to get there. I looked at the selection for a while and calculated the best value per card, as to what kind of pack I should get because I am on a budget. As if turns out, buying an intro deck was the best value since it is 60 cards + 2 booster packs (15 cards each). That comes out to 90 cards for only $14.16. Three booster packs would have come with only 45 cards for about the same price, so I got double that with the intro deck and 2 boosters. The cost was about $0.16 per card in the intro deck versus $0.29 per card buying 3 boosters alone.

I felt like I made a good choice and I am happy with my purchase. I like intro decks because they are organized and I do better when things are organized.
It was the Gruul Goliaths deck (Red-Green). That's all they had for Gatecrash when I went there, but it worked out because the Gruul guild is my favorite. I randomized and shuffled the deck and sorted the cards from the booster packs into my collection.

It isn't so bad, since I can still get my own cards without spending a whole lot of money. I guess I get the bargain shopping skill from my mom, and it's good to save money and get a good deal at the same time. I still have about $20 for laundry and for the taxi ride when I meet Dyanis tomorrow at the bus station to pick her up. I made sure of it. I wouldn't have spent money on cards if I didn't have enough money for what I needed but thankfully I did. It's a nice reward and a way to keep up with the rest of the gang I play MTG with.

So anyway, today was a good day. I got exercise, and got to talk to Amadeo and Felicia this morning. I haven't heard from her in a while. The weather was hot and sunny earlier, but is now cloudy and cold, at 64 degrees Fahrenheit. I am going to cook supper later and I have the meat thawing as I type this. Until next time...

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Wednesday March 20, 2013

EBT: 96.42
Phone: 220.40
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Today was a good day. Didn't do much until about 4:45pm when I showered, shaved and brushed teeth. I dried off, got dressed, and got ready to go to Maik's. when I got there, everybody had already eaten, but Michelle told me they left a 1 and 1/2 Roast beef po-boy. I ate it and it was delicious. It hit the spot just right, since I hadn't eaten all day.

Somewhere during my meal, I heard Michelle get upset in the other room. I walked in to see what was up, and Andrew, Maik, Sam, and I were mortified and shocked, so none of us said anything. She stormed off to her bedroom, and I figured she was upset about something, so I whispered to Maik and asked what happened. I figured this was a "Michelle moment", and that she threw a fit/tantrum about something.

Come to find out, she got upset because when she was playing against Maik, Maik was having another conversation with either Andrew or Sam. Michelle has this pet peeve where she can't stand too many conversations going on at once around her. The same thing happened a while back when I was talking to Maik during a game against Michelle. Maik didn't mind, and if anything saw it as a diversion tactic. I really didn't mean to bother anyone, but Michelle blew up all of a sudden. No warnings or anything. Something like "Sergio would you stop fucking with my damn game?!". Another episode happened a few months ago when Sam turned up the TV volume to hear the presidential debate from the room where we play Magic. It wasn't too loud, even for me, but it distracted Michelle and she went to her room. She didn't want to say anything as to not to cause a scene or spoil everyone else's fun, but it actually had the opposite effect when everyone wondered where she went.

I really wish for her own sake and everyone else's that she wouldn't be afraid to speak up. Instead, she lets things slide until she can't take it anymore, and then lashes out like a cornered mouse. I used to be the same way, but over time, I learned to have the courage to politely speak up if something is bothering me. I tried convincing Michelle of this, but she just got more upset. Sam told me that's how she is. Anyway, by now I realize that Michelle is best left alone when she is in a bad mood like that, as nothing will cheer her up. Instead, it's best to let her calm down and blow off steam  for 30 minutes to an hour or so.

Sam was sick and had to leave, Andrew left early as usual, and so it was just Maik and I left. We played two games and each won and lost once. We stopped after that, and I worked on decks the rest of the night. Maik and I attempted to trade some cards, but I wasn't sure, so I declined.

By the end of the night, Michelle was going back to her room, and I stopped to tell her I had research the Blue Plate Artist Lofts. I told her that there are no extra sinks for painters, and no common area for pottery and woodworking. I told her that they did, however, have common area for art galleries, a place to lounge with wifi, and even a soundproof music rehearsal room. I then showed her all the info and pics on the site via my iPod and she loved it. She was much happier at this point than she was earlier. I'm glad it worked out, and she went and got $12 to pay me. She said "Thanks for checking that out to satisfy my curiosity." I said "You're welcome! :)" and asked her if she was serious about renting a loft, because I could see her doing that (being an artist). She said that she was just curious and probably couldn't afford the rent. I then showed her the prices and Maik and her both agreed that they are pretty inexpensive, certainly less than apartments at The Esplanade, even if she couldn't afford it.

Then, I took my meds, packed my stuff, said goodbye to Maik and Michelle, and went home. During my visit, Dyanis texted me a few times saying that her bus leaves a day earlier than she had originally thought. She wanted to chat with me because she is really stressed, so here I am chatting with her and posting this blog. She has to skip a day of teaching to make the bus on time, and she having to pack everything tonight also.

Before I came out here, I unpacked my stuff and called Amadeo. He wasn't there, but I left a message. Today was a good day overall and I look forward to tomorrow. I was planning on riding to Crescent City Comics and buy 2 or 3 booster packs from the current Magic: The Gathering expansion called Gatecrash. Anyhow, that's all for today. Until tomorrow...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday March 19, 2013

EBT: 96.42
Phone: 248.00
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Didn't do too much today. Just trying to stay on track.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday March 18, 2013

EBT: 96.42
Phone: 262.00
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Today is a great day. It is very beautiful, hot, and sunny outside, and I am sweaty, but happy. I feel so much better than yesterday after I talked to Amadeo, David, and Anya. Starting today, I go to therapy on Mondays at 12 from now on. This is back to what I was doing before, and Anya asked me in an email if I could switch to Mondays. My schedule is very flexible, so of course I agreed to switch.

Today I went to therapy and it was great. We got into deeper family issues this time, which is good because before, I was dealing with daily functioning in the sessions. Now that I have a good routine going, along with ACT helping me, I should be able to dig into deeper family issues more on the future.

I wish Amadeo could take me to Lafayette, so I could get my scrapbook and also my dad's too, along with my old computer, which has all my old pictures on it. I want to do an autobiography/ scrapbook of my life and put it online. Facebook's timeline feature makes that feasible. This is for my own sentimental value, but it would also help Anya understand my family history better than an explanation alone. In the meantime, I can ask mom to email select photos that I need for now.

In other news, I stopped by Rite Aid and Dollar General right after therapy. On the way to there and back, I saw two Dollar General shopping carts left on the sidewalk. It's a shame, and since I shop regularly at Dollar General, I took it upon myself to bring them back, eventually rounding up all 6 of them (including the ones in the parking lot, and brought them inside in the cart holders.

I did this because I care, I wanted to help them, it was on my way, and it wasn't but a few more steps and I got exercise walking. Plus, the carts would have been left there otherwise. It helped the black girls working in the stores since they were busy stocking and helping customers. I am sure they appreciated it. While I have a negative view of black people in general, these girls have always been nice and helpful to me. It also helped the customers because now they have carts to shop with.

It's not my responsibility, but it wasn't too much out of my way to do it. I felt like I did my good deed for the day.

Of course, the day is not complete without animal care. I changed the bird cage liners, gave them fresh food and water, and swept the kitchen floor of debris. After that, I brought them outside and they were very happy. I also gave fresh food to the stray black cat outside. Even though he wasn't there, I knew he would eventually get to it later.

It's starting to cool off and I am in the shade in the courtyard posting this blog entry. Today is a good day. I love you David and Amadeo. Get well soon!

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Saturday March 16, 2013

EBT: 99.76
Phone: 281.60
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Last night, I walked to Dollar General and Rouse's for groceries. Got a good exercise and sweat a lot to the point of chaffing. Then I took my meds, called Amadeo, and went to bed.

This morning, I called Amadeo again, showered, shaved, and brushed, flossed, and rinsed my teeth. It felt good to be clean again. The Dove soap left my skin moisturized, and when I shaved, there was a slick layer of moisture that helped me shave very smoothly and with no nicks or cuts. I also changed my razor cartridge to a new blade.

Later, I went outside and got online. I brought my birds out too, so they can enjoy this beautiful day with me. They are happily chirping now. I also gave the black cat outside fresh food and water. Then, I took out the trash.

I ran into Stan and Michelle, who were going to dollar general. They came back later with a basketball, and we all shot hoops at the basketball goal in the courtyard. We worked up a sweat and then stopped. I haven't played basketball in years, but I eventually recalled how to get a good shot.

The key is to get a good backspin on the ball. At first I mostly missed, but then I got better. I am really good at 3 point shots, which coincidentally the courtyard has a line in the concrete right about where the 3 point line would be on a court. I can make good shots on the far left, right, and center, but not from the in between diagonal angles.

Stan is barbecuing boudin outside right now, and he offered to give me a piece of one. I can tell they are happy to see me outside. I am too, because it would be a shame to spend a beautiful day like this inside. I deserve better, and so do my birds. They are a motivation for me. Doing for them helps me do for me as well. I feel so much better and on track. This contract is working out well so far. I really am starting to see how it is raising my quality of life, instead of being a punishment. I know Amadeo is proud to see me doing so well, too. He really cares about me and loves me. All he wants me to do is try.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Friday March 15, 2013

COH: 2.56
EBT: 132.90
Phone: 291.60
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Today is the first day of Amadeo's vacation and be being on my own for this week. So far, so good. I called Amadeo this morning at 9:05am, right after I woke up to my alarm, used the bathroom, and took my morning meds.

Now, I am posting on this blog, also according to plan. I will call Amadeo at night after my phone alarm goes off and I take my night meds, and then go to bed. It's a pretty simple routine, so it is easy to follow. Considering that I have an Autism Spectrum disorder, I need rigid routines to keep my days structured and on track.

Today, it was really noisy outside earlier, with construction noise and boom cars, so I didn't go outside until later. One car climbed to 80, 83, 85, and peaked at 88 decibels! :O and that was inside standing by the door to the back closet room, so you know that was far away.

That is way too loud and it annoys the crap out of my ears. Lower frequencies are not as harmful as high ones, but still it is a disturbance of peace. Most boom cars are 75db at most when I am inside, but this thing was a King Kong! My neighbor was blasting his shit too, but it was more of a nuisance and was on 60db or so where I was sitting.

I will never understand why black people are so obsessed with loud, booming, bass heavy rap music. Do they think it makes them look cool to blast their tunes and rattle their trunk like that? I think it's silly.

Anyway, thankfully it only lasted about 30 seconds or less. While 88db is dangerous, I would have to be exposed to it for 4 hours straight in one day without protection. My ears are aggravated, but they're safe.

I didn't do much today other than chat on Facebook with friends, and worked on transcribing "Fire" by the Supertones. I got very far and almost finished, including all the instruments.

I am burnt out and hungry now, so I can finish later or tomorrow. I will go cook supper soon, because I have not eaten since this morning.

Dan those loud motorcycles passing as I type this! >:(

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Thursday March 14, 2013

COH: 2.56
EBT: 132.90
Phone: 294.20
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Went to therapy and it went great. Got two packs of toilet paper at dollar general because we were out. Then I saw two feral black cats outside and gave them fresh food and water. The cat that usually hangs around here actually trusted me enough to let me pet it today. :)
Now, I have my birds outside and am posting this blog. Super Dave (our brother ) is flying in today. Not sure if he is staying tonight, but either way Amadeo and Dave are flying to Sebring, Florida in his private propeller driven single wing plane. Amadeo will be gone until next weekend. This will be a test of the contract because I am on my own this week. I'll do the best I can to stick to it. I think I can do it, with all the structure I have like routines and alarms.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Wednesday March 13, 2013

Cold and windy yet sunny morning today. Rode my bike to the bean gallery, then returned a couple movies to the red box in Rouse's. Could not stop at the bean gallery because there was a man with a leaf blower. I passed by some construction and some noisy and busy traffic. It caused me a lot of anxiety, but I came to McDonald's to rest and post this. ACT tried calling me a few times, but I couldn't answer. I'll call them when I get home after going to Dollar General to get cereal and milk. Competing with cars for the road is stressful. I think I'd rather walk because the sidewalks are consistent, unlike bike lanes.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Tuesday March 12, 2013

COH: 4.73
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 298.60
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

Didn't do much today, but I showered, shaved, brushed teeth, and put on some new clothes at least. I helped wait on Dawn because she is still terribly ill. Tonight, I cooked spaghetti too. On Facebook I decided to start adding life events such as my father's death so I can remember the important events on my life. The new Facebook timeline is really great for that, as you can retroactively add pictures and put them in chronological order. I included the photo of Dad's gravestone. Mom messaged me saying that it was honorable for me to do that. I did not have my old photos on my computer here, so I had to look it up online. Mom uploaded his obituary to a website last year.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Monday March 11, 2013

COH: 4.73
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 301.60
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 1.25

ACT from Metairie called me today and told me that there was a waiting list for ACT in Metropolitan New Orleans and that they would put me on intensive care (or something) until I get on with ACT. Michelle said it would basically be the same thing as ACT, but they would not be able to see me as often. It's all good, though. At least I am getting help. Other than the usual chores, I didn't do much today but surf the web outside, reading alot of "manosphere" and feminist/anti-feminist articles. I helped Ali try to get his SIM card to work on his phone, and called United Taxi for him. Justin and Sonu came by for a bit. Dawn came home early because she was not feeling well. She is still sick and coughing very violently. I can't help but be concerned for her. She looks like she is going through a rough time.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Saturday March 9, 2013

COH: 2.53
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 330.20
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 5.00

I got back on track last night by making a choice to get off the internet, stop arguing with people online, showering, and getting to bed. I could tell that Amadeo was concerned and didn't want me to be up all night on the internet and throwing off my routine. I told him I need to say bye to Dyanis so she won't think I left her hanging and that I would be right back. i did just that, and also talked to Mako about our music transcription project. Most importantly, I decided it wasn't worth staying on the Internet and arguing with people I don't even know that just want to bring me down. As tempting as arguing is, because it gives me mental stimulation, at a certain point it just becomes toxic and does more harm than good. Remembering Anya's advice, I decided it wasn't worth it and stood down with dignity. Amadeo and I both agreed that this was a turning point for me in that I made a critical decision for the better. He said I should post about it to my blog and so I did. After all, it's purpose is to keep track of my progress and what triggers me to fall off track. I told him I needed more money to wash the clothes and he gave me some. Then he told me where I could get quarters. With that done, I got back on track. Amadeo and I also resolved an issue constructively and communicated clearly.

Got most of the laundry done today. Will resume later. Sam came over and played some Dragon Warrior on the Dell laptop while I finished up folding and putting away the clothes. Towels, underwear, and socks are now fully stocked and the bathroom is clear of laundry again. I also did the dishes and changed the water for my birds. Sam and I are about to grab some Subway, go to Washington Square and hopefully meet some jugglers, and then go hang out at his apartment. Lou will be joining us and we will play Magic: The Gathering and maybe some 3 player video games. It will be fun and I feel accomplished with my day so far. It was also good to see Dawn, Justin Mills, and Sonu earlier. Dawn came over a while ago to use the bathroom (poor thing, she was embarrassed lol) and said that the others will be returning shortly from viewing real estate properties. And here I am, posting this blog entry like Amadeo wanted me to. I am starting to like this. It's great. Until next time...

P.S. I will take pics at the park and upload them here later :)

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday March 8, 2013

COH: 8.49
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 341.20
Visa: 0.62
Laundry: 2.00

Didn't do much today. Michelle and Britney of ACT team came over at about 12:30 pm to tell me that I was going to be transferred to the ACT team in the New Orleans Metropolitan area. The reason for this is my Medicaid does not have full coverage and does not include ACT services from Jefferson Parish, where they are from. They assured me that they will help me through the transitional process and that I will be in good hands. I signed a release of information form, talked with them for a while, then they left.

I was afraid that maybe the new ACT team would not be as helpful, nice, or otherwise a good fit. Michelle and Britney said that this is a legitimate concern, but reassured me that the ACT team is a model and is implemented consistently throughout all of their branches.

As far as an official diagnosis for Asperger's Syndrome, they told me that since such diagnoses are only meant for children, that Dr. Rodriguez can only give me a general diagnosis for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (P.D.D.). While true, it is not specific enough, and I still want to pursue the assessment at LSU hospital. Michelle and Britney agreed that I should do it.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cleaning the Envoy

At Pelican Car Wash in Metairie. Wash and unlimited vacuuming for $8.00. Amadeo paid me $5.00 for helping him vacuum the Envoy or "Dawnvoy" as he sometimes calls it. Thanks, bro! :)


Some foot arch and foot pressure measurement device that reccommends a custom fitted sole for your shoe. My result was standard arches, high foot pressure, and recommended CF340.

Birds Unlimited

Came here to sell the parakeets and was captivated by the live bird displays. They have a ton of parakeets, finches, and one Indian Ringneck. In the front, there are cockatiels and a Green Cheek Conure. I could hardly tell the parakeets I sold apart from the rest, there were so many. I hope they all find a loving and caring new home. :)

Thursday March 7, 2013

COH: 3.92
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 343.20
Visa: 0.62

I went to therapy today at 12:00pm like usual, and it was great. Right now, I am outside with my birds so we can all get some fresh air and sunshine. Later, Amadeo is taking me to birds unlimited, where I can sell the 4 babies for $5 each.

I don't breed for the money. I just let my m/f pair do their thing and let nature take its course. Then, when the chicks are old enough, I sell them to birds unlimited where the middle aged lady happily buys them, hand feeds them, and sells the tame birds to a good home.

After that, we will go to Best Buy across the street to recycle old computer parts and electronics that no longer work, so they can be put to good use and not wasted. That is all for today.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Wednesday Night Magic at Maik's

I played Magic: The Gathering tonight at Maik's house. The ride wasn't too bad and I got there early. I built a green/white deck based on the "Selesnya Surge" intro deck, along with two other decks from the Return to Ravnica expansion.I find it much easier to work from a template like that. I won against Maik, Michelle, and Sam with that deck, and felt proud. I lost against Andrew though (no surprise there. He's really good) and Maik two more times. Then, I went home and here I am typing this blog from the neighbor's wifi connection he let me start using today. Today was a great day in general. I know they won't all be like this, but at least I can enjoy days like today when they come. That's all for tonight. Until tomorrow...

Wednesday March 6, 2013

COH: 3.82
EBT: 142.65
Phone: 343.20
Visa: 0.62

Today, I washed both bird cages. Monica from ACT came over and did more assessments. It went great. She is very kind and helpful. Now, I am eating McDonald's with Amadeo and Dawn outside on the table in the courtyard. I feel much better mood wise.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013