Friday, May 31, 2013

Friday, May 31, 2013

COH: $157.16
EBT: $51.72
Phone: 25.60
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 84•F sunny and cloudy
Mood: great!
Weight: 276 lbs.

It's my birthday today! :D I got alot of birthday wishes on Facebook from my friends. 

I worked today. We put up siding, hauled wood, and cut concrete. We also reinforced windows with 2x4s. I got off at 7:00 and Sam wanted to hang out.

Maik, Michelle, Sam, and I are eating at Reginelli's for my birthday. :) I got a card from mom and Julie and a birth certificate  from mom. Strange coincidence, huh? I also got a bday call from David. Later tonight, I will hang out with Sam and chat with Dyanis.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

COH: $57.16
EBT: $51.72
Phone: 86.60
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 84•F sunny and cloudy
Mood: fatigued 
Weight: 276 lbs.

This morning I got up at 9, even though I was off today. I did my morning routine, then I cleaned my bird cages. I just finished and it was exhausting. I also went to Dollar General for a few things, namely a scrub brush.

Later, I have therapy. I hope it goes well. Yesterday, Ben told me it looked like the Abilify was working, because I am more energetic and focused now, while before, I was like a zombie. It's good to know when other people notice my progress. It's also good to know that my medicine is doing its job, and that it is not a matter of sheer willpower to get things done when you are clinically depressed.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

COH: $62.08
EBT: $51.72
Phone: 89.80
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F sunny 
Mood: good, accomplished :)
Weight: 276 lbs.

Today, I worked from 11:00-1:00 and picked up trash most of the time. Afterward, I was told to go home. Dawn needed me to help Tina move out because she broke up with her boyfriend. Dawn was really stressed, but Amadeo came with Alex's truck and we got a good bit moved to Dawn's house. By the  end of it, JD was home and very irate, so Tina took me home. 

Right now, I am at Maik's house playing mtg. I had a hamburger for supper that they left for me. I will chat with Dyanis later.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

COH: $42.08
EBT: $51.72
Phone: 167.20
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F sunny 
Mood: stressed
Weight: 276 lbs.

Today, my case worker Caitlin picked me up and we went to get the application for Tivoli apartments. I have an interview at 9:30am on Tuesday, June 25. Afterward, we went to the NAMI office to get started on applying for SSI.

When I got home, I took my birds outside, and called Amadeo. I assembled the wire shelving unit and ate lunch. Later, he wants to pick me up and work on building my desk. I went to the Dollar store to get some things, too.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Monday, May 27, 2013

COH: $48.43
EBT: $69.42
Phone: 178.40
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F
Mood: stressed
Weight: 269 lbs.

I worked from 10:30am to 8:00pm today.   What a long day, whew! We mainly put up house wrap and windows today, which took the entire day. We still have a few left to do. Ben's brother helped us out, too, which was good. Though tired, I'm glad I was able to make it to work on time and put in a long hard day of work. Later, I will chat with Dyanis and get ready for bed. Tomorrow, I meet with my social worker at 11:00. 

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Sunday, May 26, 2013

COH: $55.40
EBT: $69.42
Phone: 185.40
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 79•F 
Mood: stressed
Weight: 269 lbs.

I slept over at Sam's last night. This morning, we showered, ate, and worked on magic decks, then we are Chinese buffet for lunch and he took me home.

The rest of the day, I unpacked, did the laundry, trash, dishes, and took care of the pets. I just now was able to get to a wifi spot to post this blog. 

This week has gone by nonstop and I am stressed out. I work again tomorrow even though my day off was not really a day off, but at least I will get Tuesday and maybe Thursday off, too.

It seems to stay on track, I will have to spend more time at home in order to keep up with the household chores and keep on schedule. There is so much stuff in the apartment that it gets messy easily and requires almost constant attention. That is stressing on its own, but again
 I will try to keep up with it better.

Anyway, I need to get back home to finish the chores and laundry, and get ready for bed. I am so exhausted, but I hope I sleep better tonight because of it. Until next time...

P.S. Tonight, I walked to McDonalds, not ran, and I stayed outside instead of going inside and ordering food. I will try to do this more often, so long as the wifi signal is good out here.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Saturday, May 25, 2013

COH: $71.14
EBT: $69.42
Phone: 217.40
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 79•F cloudy 
Mood: great
Weight: 269 lbs.

I worked today. I removed nails, dug underneath a pipe, and put up tar paper. I ended up working until 6:20. I went home, called Sam, and got ready to spend the night at his place. Dawn got me a $50 gift card for my upcoming birthday. Old Navy is having a Memorial Day sale, so they recommended I use it this weekend.

We ate Quiznos and now we are at his place hanging out and working on Magic decks. I will talk to Dyanis later.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday, May 24, 2013

COH: $96.25
EBT: $69.42
Phone: 242.60
Visa: $0.93
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 88•F sunny 
Mood: great
Weight: 274 lbs.

I got to work a full day today! This is my second day back on Abilify (1/2 pill per day) and already I feel better and more energized. I got my meds refilled today, including Abilify! :) 

I agree with Amadeo when he calls it my wonder drug, because it truly does wonders for me. My mood is much better since the past two days already. I am on a lower dose this time, so hopefully the restlessness will not be too much for me to contain, yet I can still have the energy, motivation, and focus to get through my day and get things done. 

At work, I scraped loose paint off of doors, removed nails and fur out, and swept. I took Mills' truck to pick up my meds in the middle of the shift. Amadeo came by and helped, and then we packed up. I got paid, talked to Ben for a while, then went home.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

COH: $40.64
EBT: $110.99
Phone: 263.20
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 84•F sunny and cloudy 
Mood: depressed 
Weight: 274 lbs.

By now, I can surely say that I am depressed. I took Abilify this morning hoping it would help, because I am tired of feeling this way.

I lack energy, drive, motivation, and focus  to do anything these days, not just work. I move like a zombie and feel like I have a ball and chain tied around my ankle. To do anything requires all of what little effort I can put forth, and at best I am as slow as trying to run underwater. I feel tired and down all the time and I hate it. 

I am going to see the doctor as soon as he can squeeze me in his schedule, but that could take weeks. In the meantime, I feel useless and frustrated because I am letting everybody down (Mills, Amadeo), but I don't mean to. This is something beyond my control for the most part.

Feeling like it's better late than never, I went into work from 3:45 to 5:45 today. I scraped paint off of doors, and swept.

I need more help than can be given to me at this time. Outside of therapy and seeing my case worker, I feel like a turtle on its back; all on my own and helpless no matter what I do. It feels like I am going to be stuck like this forever, only getting worse and not better.

All I can do for now is try my best to stay on track, keep taking Abilify, and wait to see my therapist, doctor, and case worker again.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

COH: $44.88
EBT: $110.99
Phone: 263.20
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F sunny
Mood: meh :/
Weight: 274 lbs.

I got up at noon today and made it into work for 3:00. I called Mills to let him know I was going to be late. 

When I got there, I stripped copper wire. Then, I helped Ben sweep and pack up the truck. I went home then went to Maik's. They had Taco Tico waiting for me. It was good. Now I am posting this blog.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tuesday, May 21, 2013!

COH: $48.82
EBT: $110.99
Phone: 265.40
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 82•F sunny
Mood: ok
Weight: 274 lbs.

Today, Caitlin picked me up and we went to the LRS appointment. It was an intake and it went well. The case worker Debra was very enthusiastic and nice. Now, I wait up to 60 days for eligibility. Next week, we are going to try to apply for Tivoli apartments and get on the wait list. Caitlin also got in touch with Central City Behavioral Health Center to try and get me the next available appointment.

After that, I ate, picked up around the house and took the birds outside. Then, I rode to Walmart to buy some things. I spent about $50, but it was all on necessities such as laundry detergent, shampoo, razors, floss, boxer shorts, and birdseed. I made a list beforehand and shopped around for the best value, so it was no splurge, despite the high cost. Thankfully, these things will last me a while, so I won't have to spend this much money for a while.

When I got home, I unpacked everything.  Dawn and Amadeo were there. I cycled the laundry, then headed out to a wifi spot to post my blog.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

COH: $109.89
EBT: $110.99
Phone: 271.60
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 88•F sunny
Mood: better :)
Weight: 274 lbs.

Therapy went well today. We found alot of practical solutions to my problems. Afterward, I took my birds outside, cleaned up around the house, rested for a while, and then went to a wifi spot to post this blog. I may go to Rouse's later and maybe the cafe after that. 

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Sunday, May 19, 2013

COH: $119.72
EBT: $110.99
Phone: 285.00
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 84•F sunny and cloudy 
Mood: worried, a little down 
Weight: 274 lbs.

I took the parakeets outside today, picked up around the house, and showered. Amadeo, Dawn, and Mills went to the Bayou Festival. I went grocery shopping at Dollar General, and now I am at McDonald's posting this blog. Later, I will wash clothes, call Lou, and chat with Dyanis.

In other news, the cat has been whining and moaning alot today and lately. I think  he is bored and wants to go outside, but he would get lost again if we let him out. I  don't know what to do :(

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Saturday, May 18, 2013

COH: $119.91
EBT: $134.24
Phone: 101.00
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 84•F sunny
Mood: better than yesterday :)
Weight: 275 lbs.

At work, I picked up trash, swept closets, moved and stacked scrap wood, dug up a post, and stripped copper wire. It was a laid back day more or less, but I still worked up a sweat. I figure it was the least I could do for missing so many days of work. I got there on time, with the help of Amadeo nagging me to not go back to bed after the alarm went off. 

I got paid $60, and then I headed home. Sam came to pick me up, and we ate Subway as usual. Now, I am at his apartment about to clean it to make another $30; $90 total in one day! :) Dyanis called me and we talked for a bit.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday, May 17, 2013

COH: $69.37
EBT: $134.24
Phone: 135.40
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F sunny
Mood: frustrated with myself
Weight: 278 lbs.

I am frustrated with myself. I am sleeping 12-14 hours a day and keep missing work, even when I go to bed early. I wake up and I still feel tired, have a lack of energy, and can do very little physical work.

I do not want to be like this. I do not want to miss work. I feel like I am letting everybody down, but I don't mean to. For some reason, this is the best I can do right now. I am not making this up, faking it, or exaggerating. This is a very real thing.

This has got to be because of depression. I am taking my meds as usual, but I think something is missing since I got off Abilify. On that, I was basically manic where I couldn't sit still for more than a second, but now I am the other extreme: depressive with low energy level and low functioning.

Anya said I should not have to choose between those extremes, and that there should be a middle ground somehow. Dr. Calhoun said I could get on a lower dose of Abilify, but I would need to talk to him again first. Anya wants me to be on something else that has the benefits of Abilify minus the side effects such as restlessness. Unfortunately, I don't know if such a drug exists. I just want to find resolution with this. Maybe I could even take half a pill of Abilify every other day, but I still have to get in touch with the doctor and clear it with him first. 

On the bright side, I got up and got some chores done today, including washing the white clothes and towels.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

COH: $72.52
EBT: $134.24
Phone: 142.40
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F sunny
Mood: better
Weight: 267 lbs.

Finally made it back to work today. I worked 12:30-7 and called Mills before I got there. I swept plaster from behind the baseboards, swept the driveways, putties holes in the deck, and brought baseboards to the pile of boards in the back. During my breaks, I talked to Dyanis and Sam. It was great. :)

Things are going better. I just have to stay on track.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

COH: $78.25
EBT: $134.24
Phone: 191.40
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 81•F sunny
Mood: frustrated, pissed, stressed
Weight: 267 lbs.

Slept late and didn't go to work today. Got in an argument with Amadeo on the phone over the same old shit. As usual, it went nowhere but turned into a fight. I hung up, then he blew up my phone with a bunch of angry texts. 

We don't see eye to eye. I can't get through to him and his "tough love" and anger are certainly not getting through to me. If Amadeo wants to see me succeed, then why does he do things that interfere with my functioning such as smoking in the house, leaving the tv on until late at night, having guests over 24/7, and staying up late at night partying or working on something? Does he not realize that I am autistic like Luke from that movie, and that my routine is so delicate that even one late night is enough to screw it all up? If has been one year, and he still can't or just chooses not to understand that. Instead, he just gets angry, says I don't appreciate anything he does for me, blames everything on me, claims that I am trying to blame everything on him when I'm not, claims that I am trying to worm my way out of responsibility, that I am a master manipulator just like mom, that I am just making excuses...the list goes on and on. Will it take another year for him to finally see that I am not making this up? Will he realize that in order to function properly, that I need to have exactly the right conditions, and that not only am I not just being picky, but that getting angry about it and wishing/forcing me to do otherwise is not going to change or help anything? No, he simply pulls the "I can do whatever I want in my house" card every fucking time like a child, and yet again we get nowhere. We just keep butting heads. Amadeo's wa ts interfere with my needs, and in order to do what he wants, he basically has to be like "to hell with Sergio, I'll do what I want" no matter how much it affects me, stresses me out, and screws up my routine. 

I know he cares, but whether he realizes it or not, he like like Judas: he gives me a kiss, then he betrays me. He claims to care about me not getting off track, then demands I be in by 10 and in bed by 11, by threat of kicking me out, yet other nights he keeps me up past midnight. I don't think he realizes that he is setting me up for failure.

I admit, lately I have been coming home late because I stay at the coffee shop. But that is only to get out and away from the stress. I would not be able to sleep if I was in on time anyway, because the tv would be on. He accuses me of practicing "junkie behavior" while he smokes frequently and won't even step outside to do so. At times, I feel like I have never met a bigger hypocrite in my life, but whatever.

I can come home and be in bed on time. I have no problem with that, but if Amadeo keeps me up late, there is no way he can say it's my fault or I didn't try.    Beyond doing my part, if I can't get up in the morning, then it's his fault. I blame it on him. He needs to do his part and follow the contract too, or at least not interfere with me trying to follow it. It's not fair to me if he puts stumbling blocks in my way, and then blames me when I fall. My everyday life is hard enough as it is. I don't need anybody making it harder for me.

Anyway, now I am at Maik's playing Magic. I will be mindful of the time tonight, but if that tv is on past 11 or Amadeo and Dawn are still up, that is their problem, not mine. In fact the next time he pulls a late night, I will remind him of what time it is and about him getting pissed that I get off track with my sleep schedule. It's not always my fault.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

COH: $85.15
EBT: $134.24
Phone: 216.20
Visa: $1.97
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 79°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: ok
Weight: 272 lbs.

Ali moved out, so there is no more internet at the apartment. I am posting this from The Bean Gallery now. From now on, after work, I am going to post from Community Coffeehouse, since it is on the way home. Today, I missed my 11:00am appointment with LRS, so the had to reschedule for next Tuesday at 1:00pm. The rest of the day, I rested. I was so tired even though I got plenty of sleep. I washed, dried, and put away the dishes, took care of the birds and cat, took out the trash, and put away my clean clothes. Later, I ate leftover spaghetti. Dawn came in and started making some more. After I ate, I got ready and headed over here. I want to give them their private time, as well as get some of my own, get out of the house, and get at least a little bit of exercise. However, I do not want to stay out too late, so I will head home after 10:00pm like Dawn asked me to.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Monday, May 13, 2013

COH: $118.86
EBT: $134.24
Phone: 254.80
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 72°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: great! J
Weight: 272 lbs.

Therapy today went well. We talked about how Amadeo and I could come to a middle ground on our different lifestyles to make sure I get enough sleep at night. Amadeo was worried that I am falling off track with that. After therapy, I went shopping at Dollar General and Family Dollar for some things. Later, I took my birds outside and helped Dawn and Sasha clean the apartment. Dawn also washed clothes and cooked. The cat got out, but I eventually got it back in the house. Amadeo came home later and we ate. Afterward, I washed the dishes and headed over to The Bean Gallery to post this blog (there is no wifi at the apartment) and chat with Dyanis like I promised. On the way out, I saw Mills and he was complaining to Dawn about the cat being there. Tomorrow, I have a meeting with LRS. I hope that goes well.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sunday, May 12, 2013

COH: $118.86
EBT: $147.69
Phone: 259.40
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $1.00
Weather: 75°F sunny and partly cloudy
Mood: pretty good
Weight: 272 lbs.

Today is Mother's Day. Happy Mother's Day! I will call Mom later. Today, we slept in late, until about noon, because we were up late last night. Amadeo was working on a project for a Mother's Day present for Dawn. I did the usual morning routine, then I brought my birds outside to clean the cages, freshen up their food and water, and let them have fresh air and sunshine. 

Last night, when I was chatting with Dyanis online in the courtyard, the cat jumped on top of the parakeets' cages and knocked down the nest box with the breeding hen in it. There was debris and broken eggs all over the floor, and I lost two fertile eggs. That damn cat! This has happened before with stinky butt, so although I am upset that this happened, I am a little desensitized to it. I know it's their nature, but I can't have them keep doing that. 

I do everything I can to prevent it.I moved the table and ladder so the cat cannot easily jump on top of the refrigerator. I put Plexiglass in front of the cages, to block the cat from getting to the birds. Yesterday, I got a spray water bottle to spray the cat when he tries to go for my birds. After I cleaned up the mess, last night, I put hook straps around each nest box to keep them from falling. The lady from Bird's Unlimited suggested that and so far it is working great. I hope the nest box does not get knocked down again.  

Later, I might go grocery shopping, chat with Dyanis, and maybe go to The Bean Gallery.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Saturday, May 11, 2013

COH: $118.76
EBT: $147.69
Phone: 267.40
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $1.00
Weather: 70°F overcast
Mood: ok
Weight: 275 lbs

Mills cancelled work for today. Amadeo and Dawn brought in a stray cat last night. As before, it is a cute little thing to have around, but I have to protect my birds from it. It is a calico cat, mostly white with light brown splotches. It can jump very high, and is even more rambunctious than Diesel or even Stinky Butt (Nemo). 

So anyway, Amadeo went to Mills house to work on something, Dawn left, and I just relaxed at home. To keep myself from falling too far off track, I ate lunch, lied down for a nap, took a shower, got dressed, and went to Dollar General for a few things. I just got back a while ago, and now I am posting this blog. After this, I have a Skype date with Dyanis. :)

Friday, May 10, 2013

Friday, May 10, 2013

COH: $153.30
EBT: $147.69
Phone: 272.40
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $0.50
Weather: 67°F thunderstorm
Mood: ok
Weight: 271 lbs.

Work was cancelled today because of rain. I swept the entire house today, including under the refrigerator and stove because it was full of dust, debris, and roaches. I got it all clean, though. Then, I started washing clothes, ate, and washed the dishes. Mills came by for a second to get something, and payed my $75 for the 2 and 1/2 days I worked. He actually payed me $80, and I gave him $5 in change. Again, what started out as a stressful, bad day is turning into something better later. I would say I got done what I needed to get done today. Maybe it's the weather, but I have been feeling down lately. Although, when Amadeo and Dawn stopped by, my mood got better and I was finally motivated to do chores like I had planned to since this morning, but previously lacked the energy, motivation, and focus to do it.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

COH: $64.93
EBT: $157.54
Phone: 289.00
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $5.25
Weather: 73•F 
Mood: in pain
Weight: 275 lbs.

Today at work, I:
• Removed kitchen sinks from second floor
• Removed front doors from upstairs and brought downstairs
• Brought all exterior doors and screens to the front
• Brought garbage bags to the street 
• Put plywood on top of dumpster
• Ben removed drywall and molding from downstairs bathrooms
• Put door hardware in bucket and brought to front 
• Justin reinforced the subfloor in upstairs kitchen from the bottom 
• Stripped copper wire
• Cleaned up plaster from first floor bathroom
• Assisted Ben with demolishing drywall and slats upstairs
• Removed nails

Later, I played Magic at Maik's house. The new set Dragon's Maze came out, so we played a limited sealed deck game tonight. It means you make a 40 card deck from only 8 booster packs. I lost every game, but I still had fun.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

COH: $58.80
EBT: $147.69
Phone: 278.80
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $0.00
Weather: 75°F mostly cloudy
Mood: ok
Weight: 275 lbs.

Today at work, we broke down more wall sections, brought slats to the front, cleaned up plaster upstairs, and put it in the dumpster.

Today was blah. I woke up at 11:00am and was already late for work (at 10:00am). I don't know why,because I was in bed for midnight. Either I need more sleep, or I am not getting restful sleep. Who knows?

I got up, took my meds, called Amadeo, and did my morning routine. I figured it was better late than never, and better to show up late than not at all. Today, unlike yesterday, my earplugs fit just right and had little to no pain. It could be because I wore my retainer again last night, thus having straighter teeth/jaw, because I didn't push them as far in and thus less pressure on my jaw joint, or both. Nonetheless, I will get out of the habit of putting them in too far. It is done out of stress and fear that the earplugs won't seal correctly and not protect me as much, but truth be told they did fine today and had less pressure.

I got paid half a day today, which is fair because I only worked half a day. I got there at about 1:00pm, and Ben had just got there, too. Mills had gone to Lowe's to pick up more lumber, so we got started right away. Ben used the reciprocating saw to cut more wall sections out, then I went behind him and demolished the slats. After that, we hauled all the slats to the front. I put the small pieces in buckets, while Ben got the longer pieces by hand.

Once that was done, Mills had come back. Ben told me and Mills that he was late because he was avoiding the police for some reason. I told Mills I had woken up late, which was what happened. He was not happy that I did not call or answer his call, and would rather that I have called. I was ashamed of being late, plus I didn't want to waste any more time getting to work. From now on, I will call him when I am running late, no matter what. That is the best way.

Mills was pissed and chewed me out a little bit in the afternoon. As much as it bothered me, I did not talk back because 1) I felt like I deserved it for being late, 2) I didn't want to talk back to my boss out of respect, and 3) It would have solved nothing anyway. I didn't want to waste my time and energy for nothing, getting nowhere. \

Ben left early, so it was only us two working. I was getting tired and irritated. I am not kidding when I say I was having thoughts of giving up altogether, and thoughts of suicide, such as "What am I even here for?" "Why do I deserve to live?" I honestly felt like a fuck up this afternoon. No matter what, it always seems I mess up and let people down, despite my best efforts. It's like my body lets me down when I oversleep, be late for things, or cannot handle as much as others.

I hate having Apserger's/Autism sometimes. It is so frustrating being limited to what I can do, and yet to others I look just fine, so they just think I am being lazy. Thus, I have to prove to them that I am not, and it almost always involves overworking myself, or being pushed to do more than I can handle. With Mills, it was no different than with Amadeo (in the past) and with most others. For instance, he has been pushing me to carry two buckets full of plaster, or in the past 3-4 pieces lumber instead of say, 2. Mills works out and lifts weights. I don't, and even though I am larger than him, my arms are rather weak and I cannot lift much. This is not unlike Amadeo expecting me to pick up/pull down that heavy ass Murphy bed of his, haha. I was literally on the verge of physical and mental breakdown.

Realizing this, instead of overheating like in Excite Bike for NES, I cooled my jets. I stopped or slowed down, took deep breaths, worked more slowly so I would not haste and therefore mess up, and just kept working. I used all my anger and frustration in a positive way, and took it out on what I was doing. I used my extra burst of energy and strength to lob the heavy buckets full of plaster of the top of the dumpster, when before, I was struggling to do so. They were freaking heavy! >.<

Anyhow, instead of breaking down and being destructive, I held on and kept pushing, albeit at a slower, less grueling pace. I managed to make it, and I think Mills was proud of me by the end of the day. We got it done, got the tools packed up, and he gave me a Lowe's hat. I certainly don't mind getting another hat! :) In fact, I will start wearing as my "work hat" like I was Dale from King of the Hill or something :P I felt in that moment that what happened and what I had done was cathartic enough so put in my blog, so I did. That's what Amadeo say if I told him what happened. He would say something like "Awesome! That's great. You should post about it on your blog." After all, the purpose of this blog is to document my everyday progress, and that I think is certainly progress. It's a "small victory" like that Faith No More song. :)

Anyway, I'd say it was a bad day gone good. I will do even better tomorrow. I can't wait to go to therapy on Monday. Maybe it's what I need in these times when I am not doing as well as I have been. And with that, I say good night. I will eat supper and chat with Dyanis later. :)

P.S. I got some things from Dollar General after work, and Dawn cooked supper while all of us talked.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

COH: $64.87
EBT: $157.54
Phone: 289.00
Visa: $35.62
Laundry: $5.25
Weather: 81°F sunny
Mood: ok
Weight: 275 lbs.

Today at work, Ben and I swept the floor on both stories, removed nails, and I stripped copper wire. Amadeo, Ben, and I put plywood down as a subfloor on the second story kitchen. At the end of the shift, Mills asked me if I could come in at 10:00am from now on instead of 11, so we can all be there at the same time to get the game plan for the day. I think I can manage that as long as I get to bed and get up one hour earlier. I will have to set my alarms.

                                                         Me all suited up for work.

                                                     The class of workers was there today.

                                                                 Me taking a break.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Monday, May 6, 2013

COH: $118.15
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 298.60
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $3.50
Weather: 61•F sunny
Mood: good
Weight: 275 lbs.

No therapy today because Anya is out visiting her mother. Instead, Caitlin from NAMI is meeting with me to do more case work.

Right now, I am out with the parakeets after having showered. Later, I need to go grocery shopping and put money on my Visa card at Money Mart.

The appointment went great. We worked on a service plan and next Tuesday, we go to LRS intake appointment in Metairie.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Sunday, May 5, 2013

COH: $117.28
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 300.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $3.50
Weather: 61•F sunny
Mood: tired
Weight: 275 lbs.

Not doing much today. Stayed up until 2 last night and woke up at 7:30. I couldn't sleep past the sunrise, and we were all up late last night.

I took the parakeets outside and fed them bread, lettuce, apples, and millet inside a foraging toy.

Mills came over and I ate apples and oranges. The sprayer hose on the kitchen sink has a hole in it, and water sprays everywhere when you use it. I will ask Shazzad to fix it on Monday.

I have no plans for today and I am kind of bored. Nothing is open today so I will have to find something to do, like maybe go for a walk, ride my bike, go to the store, or go through my Magic cards.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Saturday, May 4, 2013

COH: $148.53
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 324.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $10.00
Weather: 72•F sunny
Mood: great!
Weight: 270 lbs.

I got up early today and did the morning chores. Dawn got us breakfast from McDonald's. I took my birds outside, got some quarters from the store, them started washing clothes. Actually, Amadeo beat me to it and started the first load of white clothes. We bleached it.
Later, Sam and I are hanging out. There's not much to do today, but it's ok because I am relaxing :)

Friday, May 3, 2013

Friday, May 3, 2013

COH: $88.77
EBT: $0.00
Phone: 324.20
Visa: $0.62
Laundry: $3.75
Weather: 56°F cloudy and windy
Mood: great!
Weight: 270 lbs.

Today was a GREAT day! :D Ben and I put up siding while Mills went to Lowe's to get some things and exchange the boards for the deck (he needed a longer size than he originally got). We did great! Mills was very pleased with our work, and all the boards were relatively straight. I made sure to get the measurements as close as possible. In face, Mills had me do the measurements since he knew I am so exact with things ;)

Now, I am at The Bean Gallery. Mills was so proud of my hard work, that he gave me $5 in addition to the $120 I got paid, to go enjoy coffee tonight at The Bean Gallery. So here I am, posting this blog from The Bean Gallery and chatting with Dyanis. Thanks Mills! :) I had not been here in a long while. It's great and I like the atmosphere here. I will ask the barista if Sonu can put her artwork up here.

The Garage



1st floor stairs on the left side (if you are looking at the front of the house)

Me just getting to work.

The siding Ben and I put up. The last four rows were done by us.

The last four rows were filled in by Mills, Ben, and I.

My pant leg tore completely

Me enjoying coffee at The Bean Gallery. Thanks Mills! :)